Chapter Twenty-Nine

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You sighed as you turned around restlessly in your bed. You'd forgotten how annoying period cramps were- it had been one of the few benefits of being pregnant, you now realized. Sadie hopped off of you, annoyed by the constant movement, as you found the controller for your heating pad and dialed it up a little. "Everything hurts!" you moaned to nobody in particular.

Trevor walked into the bedroom when he heard your complaint. "I wish I could fix it," he told you sincerely. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Get me something with caffeine in it, please," you said. "We should have some eCola in the fridge."

"Your wish is my command." Trevor reappeared a moment later with a can of the beverage, opened it, and took a sip. "Delivery tax," he explained before handing it to you.

You took a few drinks before reaching past Brad's bassinet and placing it onto the narrow nightstand beside it. "Thanks," you muttered before letting out a loud belch. "I wish these stupid cramp meds would kick in already."

Brad awoke to your complaint and stuck a leg up in the air. "I should probably change you, buddy, huh?" you asked him. "Give me a second to gather the strength and I'll get up for you."

"Don't worry about it." Trevor came over and put a hand on your arm to keep you from getting up before picking Brad up. "I'll take care of his diaper. We'll play together in the other room, too. Won't we, little one?" He continued talking to the 10-week-old as he carried him out of the room.

A smile was on your face as your eyes followed the pair. Once they were out of eyesight, you closed your eyes and listened to Trevor talk to Brad. "Switchin' you to a clean one. If you shit on me, buddy, I'm not going to be a happy man... okay, thank you. You took a bottle yesterday, so maybe I'll try giving you one now. Gotta get used to it, right? Not hungry, I see. Okay. Let's try out this new thing Mommy got you. I think you chew on it, or maybe kick it...?"

You knew exactly what he was referring to. "Give it to him and let him shake and grab it," you called out. "I also got some board books, if you want to read one to him."

"Alright, I'll try that," Trevor called back. "Look at you, Braddy-boo, all cozy in my lap! Without further ado, I present this book. Smile. Laugh. Giggle. Tickle. Cuddle. Kiss. Snuggle. Huh; that was the shittiest plot I've ever seen. Alright, Brad, you see all these babies in the pictures? You could take any of them on. Stronger, smarter, better tempered, better looking... these assholes couldn't hold a candle to you. You are the ultimate baby. The king of babies, just like I'm the king of... of things." Even though Brad couldn't understand anything his father was saying, you were glad Trevor just kept it at 'things' as opposed to selling drugs, or selling guns, or killing people... the list was practically infinite. "Okay, I guess I fed your ego so much, you're taking a tryptophan nap. I'm gonna put you in your crib out here, then go check in on your mama. Sleep well, sweet boy."

You were caught giggling when Trevor came back into the other room. "What's so funny?"

"You," you answered honestly. "You're so cute when you talk to Brad." You shifted in the bed again and sharply inhaled through your teeth as another cramp hit you. It wasn't anywhere near as bad as the contractions were, but it was painful nonetheless.

Trevor batted his eyelashes. "Aw, shucks," he twittered. You began laughing even harder when he poked his cheek and kicked a foot up in the air. He lost his balance and staggered onto the bed, where he gracefully recovered by sitting at your feet and pretending it never happened.

"Learning from Sadie, are you?" you joked.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Trevor sniffed. He raised his chin and looked down at you with what you were pretty sure was an attempt at a smolder but was more of a serial killer stare. "I read that people who have the crimson tide visit them are a lot more sensitive this time of the month. You know what I heard helps with period cramps?"

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