Chapter Twenty

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"I almost forgot to tell you," Trevor said as he was shaving, "this week, Raspbaby's the size of a butternut squash!"

"That's big, stop scaring me," you teased. "You forget I've gotta push this thing out of me in six weeks."

"It'll be okay," he reassured. "I'll be there to hold your hand the whole time and get you whatever you need. Actually, now that we're on the topic, I have a question."

"What's up?" Trevor's questions could be anything, so you prepared yourself for the most obscure, bizarre thing you could think of.

"When it, you know..." Trevor made a squish noise with his mouth and an explosion motion with his hands, flinging shaving cream around the bathroom with the razor. "Comes out."

"Yeah...?" You looked at him, slightly annoyed. You'd been trying your best to keep the topic of labor off your mind. The way you looked at it, it was inevitable, so there was no point in working yourself up and panicking about it. As long as Trevor was there, you knew you'd be okay.

"Can I catch her?"

You were glald the question was anticlimactic and breathed a sigh of relief. You weren't sure where he was going at the beginning of it, but it was surprisingly wholesome. "Yeah, of course. I'm not paying for the trauma therapy you'll need from it, though."

"Good, good." Trevor looked at you for a few seconds, his eyes narrowing, before asking a follow-up question. "And can I eat the placenta?" There it is.

"Huh?" You let out a gusty sigh while forcing yourself to think about it for a second. "You know what? Sure, I don't care." There were plenty of hills to die on when it came to Trevor; this wasn't one of them.

"Cool." Trevor washed his razor off. "You doing anything special today?"

"I was thinking about going over to Gabi's place," you answered. "Is she gonna be working for you today?"

"Nope, she's off this week," Trevor told you. "I'm sure you could spend every day this week with her if you're willing to stand her for that long."

"I might actually do that if she's willing to stand me," you teased. "You're going to be safe and good at work, right?"

Trevor gave you a blank stare. "[Y/N], I'm the CEO of a gun and drug trafficking enterprise. Sure, I'll be safe- I've managed to be safe enough to survive my whole life- but good?" He chuckled at the thought. "I'll leave that to your imagination. Sure, I'll be good. I might start a sticker chart for Ron and Wade, eh? Whoever reaches ten golden stars the quickest gets to pick a stuffed animal from the teddy bear bin."

"I get it," you giggled. "You going now, or...?"

"Ee-yup. See you tonight. And if you're gonna wear that dress there, at least let me watch when Gabi tries to hook up with you. I know if you're wearing it when I get home, I sure am gonna have a try." He smirked and gave a playful tug at one of the straps that held up a somewhat tight-fitting navy sundress.

"I don't have the will to change out of it, so you'll have to settle and watch, I guess," you giggled, leaning on his hand a little and kissing his pointer finger. Trevor began walking out the door when you exclaimed, "Hey, I love you! Don't I get a farewell kiss?"

"Fuck you," he teased as he got into your Asea and started the roaring engine. The truck was in Franklin's shop, getting cleaned, upgraded, and painted. He'd chosen a rather vibrant orange, and you were looking forward to seeing it.

You couldn't reply thanks to the noise, but you frowned as he drove away. You know he just thought you were joking, but your request was sincere. At least an 'I love you' tossed back to you would have been nice. Nevertheless, you decided to sit on the couch and text Gabi requesting to come over. While you waited, you decided to watch an episode of your favorite show.

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