Chapter Twelve

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Your phone buzzed due to a text from Trevor saying Raspbaby is officially prune sized.

I dont think ive ever even seen a prune, you replied.

Same size as a kumkwat cumcwat however you spell it

You snorted at his text. Never seen one of those either

"Fuck!" Gabi shouted. 

You quickly locked your phone, not wanting her to see your texts, and gripped the ceiling handle of the car she was driving.

Jimmy had been nonstop begging Gabi to go clubbing with him and, after several months, she finally agreed. She was getting close to the De Santa household. "Fucker nearly T-boned me!" She rolled down the window and hollered, "This is a new car, asswipe!"

"At least the car isn't hurt," you offered weakly. She wasn't joking when she said the car was new; it was custom painted with custom interior, too. It was a bright pink family edition Benefactor Surano. She'd won the car itself in some sort of sweepstakes sponsored by the Maze Bank Arena, and she'd purchased the matching paint job and interior herself using her salary from Trevor Philips Enterprises. 

"If Ayesha gets even a scratch on her, the person who did it won't live to see another day," Gabi muttered angrily as she pulled into Michael's driveway. Jimmy was sitting outside the front door staring at his phone and only looked up when Gabi began to blare the horn. 

"Sweet ride!" Jimmy exclaimed. "Not as cool as my car, though."

"You don't have a car," Gabi scoffed. "That's why I have to pick your broke ass up."

"Yeah, I do. It's the Tailgater." Jimmy pointed to Michael's car, which was parked further up the driveway.

Gabi snorted and said, "That's your dad's car."

"Well, what's his is mine and what's mine is his," Jimmy sniffed. "Now, are you gonna let me drive this thing or what?"

You laughed and asked, "You want to drive the Bimbomobile? Don't you think it's a little, you know..."

Gabi finished your thought. "Effeminate? Gay? Faggy?"

Jimmy crinkled his nose at the point you two had made. "Well... it's still a sports car, even if it's fag-"

"Hey!" Gabi barked. "Unless you want dick up your ass, you can't be saying that word."

"Sorry!" Jimmy whimpered. "I still want to drive it, though. Can I please? "

Gabi rolled her eyes and got out of the driver's seat. "Fine. [Y/N], can you crawl in the back?"

"Yeah." You left the passenger's seat and entered the back. Despite the newer model being a 'family edition', you found it to be exceedingly cramped. 

"There's a new bar I heard of on the other side of the city," Jimmy said. "I'm gonna take us there."

"Whatever," Gabi mumbled as she scrolled through LifeInvader. Jimmy turned the radio on and tuned in to Radio Los Santos. A couple minutes after he got onto the highway, he popped his hat off and pulled something out of it; a few seconds later, it was apparent that it was a joint. As he was lighting it, Gabi took it and tossed it out the roof. "Not while you're fucking driving! If you wreck Ayesha, I'm wrecking you."

"Dude!" Jimmy exclaimed, trying desperately to pluck the joint out of the air as he was pushing 65 MPH. "You owe me for that. That's, like, $5 worth, man!"

"Aww, do you want to stop the car so I can go and search for your $5 worth of weed?" Gabi pouted mockingly.

"Shut up," Jimmy muttered.

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