Chapter Thirteen

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As you and Trevor were driving to Los Santos to get your first ultrasound, Trevor turned down the radio. "Plum," he said, gripping the steering wheel tightly as he merged from the interstate into urban traffic.

"The size of a plum, huh?" You'd been getting used to Trevor's random declarations of various fruits to determine little Raspbaby's size. Last week, it was the size of a lime, and the week before that, it was a kumquat. 

"Mhm." Trevor made some noises with his lips as he turned into Mount Zonah Medical Center's parking garage. "Shit," he hissed, "all the good parking spots are taken, we'll have to park far away. Do you want me to get you a wheelchair?"

"What?" You stifled a laugh. "I'm in here for an ultrasound, not heart surgery. I'll be fine walking with you."

"Okay." Trevor parked as close to the entrance as he could, and together, you walked into the hospital. 

You winced at the harsh, bright lights and the overwhelming smell of disinfectant. You walked to the end of the hallway only to find three other hallways stemming off of it with no directions. "Where are we supposed to go?" you asked Trevor. 

"They have a map on their website. Lemme look." Trevor pulled his phone out and as he searched for how to get to the ultrasound area, he remarked, "What kind of hospital needs a goddamn map yet has no signs?"

"You were the one who insisted on going here," you pointed out. "I was fine with just walking across the street to Blaine County Medical Center."

"I want the best care for both of my babies," Trevor sniffed defensively. "Okay, if we take a right now then keep walking straight, we'll reach the ultrasound area. That's convenient. Bathroom's over there, too, if you gotta piss again."

"Fuck off," you giggled with a roll of your eyes as you trekked down the hallway. You'd had to make Trevor pull into a rest stop four times on the relatively brief journey to Los Santos just so you could go pee.

Eventually, you made it to the ultrasound department. Trevor walked up to the front desk and addressed the receptionist. "Appointment for [F/N] [L/N] at 1:30."

The receptionist raised an eyebrow. "Are you [Y/N], sir?"

"No," you spoke up, "I am."

"Okay, Dr. Fortuna will be coming out to direct you to your room momentarily." The receptionist gave you a polite smile, and you and Trevor sat together on a padded bench inside the waiting room. 

"Looks like you're the only guy in here," you observed. There was a handful of other people in the room, all women in what you could only assume were various states of pregnancy. 

Trevor leaned toward you and murmured into your ear, "That's because I'm not a deadbeat unlike all these other scumbags." He resumed his usual sitting position, against the back of the bench with a slight slouch, and asked in a more regular voice, "Do we get to keep pictures?"

"I dunno," you answered. "I hope so, it took an hour and a half to get here."

"[L/N]?" A young woman with short, dishwater blonde hair opened a door and looked around, and you stood up. 

"That's me," you answered. "Is it okay if I take my boyfriend with?"

She looked at you with a polite smile, then her eyes searched the room. "Of course. When will he be here?"

"Uh, he's right here." You were a bit confused as you gestured to Trevor, and she looked equally baffled when she laid eyes on him. 

"Oh... okay. Follow me, please." 

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