Chapter Twenty-Three

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You were back in the hands of the Lost. You were crammed back in the dog cage in a pitch-black trailer, forced to hear Brad screaming, your hands tied and rendering you helpless. No matter how much you shouted, trying to reason and plea with them, they refused to stop hurting him.

"Hey." You swore you heard Trevor speaking to you from somewhere in the building, but in the blackness, all you could see was the glint of a gun's barrel as it pointed towards you and fired. "Hey!"

You shot up in bed, screaming incoherently and gasping for air, but Trevor had a firm grip on either of your upper arms and was staring you down. "Hey, it's okay, sunshine. It was just a nightmare. You're safe in bed with me and Brad."

Body shaking and tears pricking at your waterline, you took a deep breath. "Sorry." Brad had been home for two days now, and neither of them had gone by without a nightmare every time you drifted off to sleep.

"Don't apologize." Trevor kissed your forehead and gave your arms a gentle squeeze, then gestured to Brad, who was stirring due to the noise. "He wants you."

Smiling a little, you lifted Brad out of his bassinet and held him in your arms as he stared up at you with big brown eyes and stuck his tongue out slightly. "Sorry I woke you up, baby," you apologized, proceeding to pepper his face in kisses. You were only interrupted when your new phone began to ring.

You passed Brad over to Trevor and answered your call. "Hello?"

"Hey, this is Tracey. I'm coming over in, like... fifteen...? Yeah, fifteen minutes to see your baby, I just wanted to give you a heads up." Before you could reply, she hung up. It was frustrating how overlooked and under-heard you were since you'd had Brad. It seemed like the only person anybody listened to was Trevor, and of course, his approach was 'the more, the merrier'.

"How's it working for ya?" Trevor asked. He'd bought you a phone yesterday to replace the one the Lost threw into the desert; it was the newest model of iFruit and he'd gotten you a nice case. He offered to get said case in your favorite color, but you asked for a clear one instead, that way you could put a nice family picture in it.

"It's working great, thank you again for getting it for me," you said. "That was Tracey- she's coming over soon to see Brad, I guess."

A smile crossed Trevor's face as Brad wrapped his hand around one of his father's fingers. "Good. I miss that kid." Trevor handed Brad back to you and announced, "I'm gonna go get groceries- we're out of frozen pizzas and chips and, quite frankly, I can't go any longer without both of them. Any special requests?"

"Pancake mix," you answered.

"Alright, I'll probably be back a little bit after Tracey gets here. Love you." Trevor gave you a peck on the forehead as he got out and got dressed.

"Hey, Trevor?" you asked.

He side-eyed you as he pulled his pants up. "Hmm?"

"How are you doing with the smoking and everything?" you timidly inquired. You were afraid to strike a nerve with him- it had seemed he'd been doing okay since he'd rescued you, though.

"Oh, better than usual, actually," Trevor answered, "honest-to-God truth. Haven't even thought of smoking crystal." He put on a shirt and joked, "Brad had a real serious talk with me and set me straight."

You rolled your eyes at the bad joke. Whatever keeps him sober. "If you're feeling under the weather or having thoughts about smoking, talk to me before you do anything, okay?"

"I know the drill. Okay, bye for real this time." Trevor administered another kiss to your face, then to Brad's, before he went out the door.

You put Brad down and sighed. "...Shit." As you got yourself ready for Tracey to come over, you noticed that the trailer was quite untidy. You hadn't exactly had the energy to clean up after both Trevor and yourself while taking care of your newborn. As long as it was only clutter and not food waste, you decided not to work yourself up over it. You were putting some mascara on when you heard a car pull up in the gravel driveway and deduced that it was Tracey.

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