Chapter Fifteen

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"What the fuck?" you muttered aloud.

There was a new decoration on the fridge - an avocado superglued onto a magnet. Trevor was trying to find newer, more creative ways to share how big Raspbaby's size was, and it was clear he was running out of conventional ideas. You ripped the fruit, which was beginning to become fragrant, off the fridge and tossed it.

"You better have a good excuse for that. Perfect waste of good, healthy food," you muttered as you looked for Trevor in your contacts so you could call him and chew him out for making the whole trailer smell like avocado. Before you could, though, you received a call from Amanda.

"Hey," you greeted, "what's up?"

"I need your help." Amanda was breathing heavily and whispering.

Instantly, worry sparked and your stomach churned with anxiety. "Where are you? How much backup should I bring? Is anybody else there?"

"No, no, nothing like that," she breathed. "I need you to come over and get Gabi out of my house. Now."

"Uh," you began before she released a month's worth of venting onto you.

"I am sick of it! Sick! Of! It! Sick! I was sure the worst of it was over once Tracey moved out, but Gabi's the worst! She's constantly oversharing intimate details about my son, and about herself. I never wanted to know about the freckle half an inch above her clitoris, but here we are. If that wasn't enough, she's constantly doing drugs! Not just pot, either, I think she's trying to corrupt my baby boy into coke, and you know we have enough coke issues within our family.

"On top of that, she's the worst primadonna I've ever met. Michael thought Tracey was bad when she was trying out for that show that was rigged against her from the start." She began to laugh dryly. "Every fucking night, she makes us all sit in the living room as she performs some 'original' song she's ripped off the Hot 100. She's tone deaf, can't hit a single note, and she does these weird monologue skits, too! I don't know how much longer I can handle it. The only reason I haven't said anything is because I know how much Jimmy likes her and I don't want to hurt his feelings. Shit, I think she's coming, I've gotta go."

After she hung up, you sighed and shot Trevor a text explaining why you'd most likely be out when he came home. You got into your Asea and was halfway to Los Santos when you received a call from Gabi.

"Hello?" you asked.

"Hey, what's up? Why'd you call me?" Gabi shouted into the phone, enunciating every word clearly. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom, guys." Shuffling ensued over the other side of the phone. "You gotta get me out of here, man."

"Oh?" you prompted.

"Fuck, it's awful here. Nobody will restock on drinks around here. They ran out right after Christmas and the pantry's still empty! I'm willing to admit I've got a problem, and right now, my problem is lack of alcohol. I need to be inebriated to handle that asshole Jimmy and I've been trying everything to get them to kick me out or, even better, have Jimmy break up with me. Nothing works. Please, for the love of everything that's holy, get me the fuck out!"

You snickered to yourself a little. Everybody except Jimmy seemed to want out of the situation. "Why don't you break up with him?"

"That's the thing, [Y/N], I've tried. Every time I try he's all like, 'No, you're not' and goes back to his gaming. Even if I succeeded, I'm pretty sure his mom would kill me if I hurt his feelings. I see the way she glares at me."

"Tell you what, I happen to be near  LS right now. I'll stop by and see what I can do," you told her.

"You're my savior, thank you, thank you, thank you!" she exclaimed.

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