Chapter Twenty-Five

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Brad was on his belly splayed out on the living room floor. He was occasionally beginning to bring his feet upwards, a sign that he was right on target for normal one-month-old behavior.

"Good job, Brad!" you exclaimed, giving him a rub on the back in an effort to encourage him. He rolled his head and looked at you with big brown eyes as he continued to exercise with a concentrated face.

"Hey," Trevor greeted as he came out of the bathroom, "remember that triathlon Mikey and I signed up for four, five months ago?"

"Vaguely." You kept your hand on Brad, but turned your head to look at Trevor. "Is it happening soon?"

"No," Trevor said quickly, "not for awhile. We're training pretty early. Anyways, we're gonna be going out for a bike ride together."

"That sounds nice." You turned your gaze back to Brad and got an idea. "Hey- maybe I could wear Brad and we could go on a bike ride together."

"No way." Trevor's denial of the proposition was immediate, and he added, "I don't want you getting tired or Brad getting that shaky baby head syndrome thing. Besides, if you crashed, he'd be toast."

"You're right," you sighed. "Okay, have fun and drink lots of water. Here's another idea, maybe cool it down with the cigarettes. It'll help your lungs for the triathlon and it won't put me or Brad at risk of second-hand smoke."

"Sure, sure. Love you, see you later." Trevor left the trailer.

"Looks like it's just you and Mama, Brad," you told him, picking him up and bringing him into your arms. "Do you have any suggestions for what we should do?"

Of course, there was no verbal response. Brad simply looked up at you with an amazingly timed raised eyebrow, prompting a fit of laughter from you.

"We can't go for a bike ride, and I'm not gonna take a walk, but how about we drive over to Gabi's?" You refused to go outside with Brad unless Trevor was accompanying you. Even though the Lost were gone, you were still recovering and processing the trauma from what had happened the last time you'd taken a walk by yourself. "Alright, I'm gonna call Gabi first and make sure she's actually there, then we'll drive over there."

You called Gabi and she gave you the okay to come over. You didn't even need to knock on the door; as soon as you stepped up the front porch, she opened the door.

"Damn, it smells good in there," you remarked.

"Thanks! I baked cookies," she told you. "Want some?"

"Sure." You stepped in. "Uh, where can I put Brad?"

Gabi shrugged. "Anywhere."

You put Brad on the table while you grabbed a cookie, then sat down and put him back in your arms. Gabi immersed you in small talk, mostly involving that of shittalking her family and catching you up on the gossip you'd missed out on a couple weeks ago when you'd dipped from the party prematurely.

"So, what brought you here?" Gabi eventually asked.

"Brad and I were all alone and I wanted to see you," you answered honestly. "I haven't really been getting out much lately."

"Yeah, no shit." Gabi apparently had noticed your hermit-like habits you'd developed since coming back from Ambarino. "Wanna go walk to the beach and back?"

"A walk?" you echoed. You decided to confess, "I really don't feel comfortable with that idea. Last time I went for a walk... well, you know." You held Brad up and jiggled him in your hands a little as if to prove your point.

"Well, this time, you've got me. Now, gimme the baby so you can actually eat." Gabi held her hands out and you gave her Brad as you got up to get more cookies.

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