Chapter Seventeen

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As you sat hunched over in your car, you grunted in annoyance as you struggled to peel a grapefruit. This week, Trevor had bought ten pounds worth of it to celebrate Raspbaby being grapefruit-sized. It was only one more week until you entered the third trimester, and it was showing. Even though Trevor had bought you maternity shirts, all but three were too small now.

Today, you'd gone into Los Santos to do some clothes shopping while Trevor was out. He'd given you his card and when you asked the budget, he shrugged and said 'twenty-five million dollars, give or take'. You doubted there was more than thirty grand in his account, and you were sure you couldn't spend any more than a thousand if you tried.

Nevertheless, you always enjoyed a challenge. You finished your lunch in your car outside of Rockford Hills and decided you'd see if Ponsonbys happened to have any maternity shirts. A few minutes later, you were able to find a parking spot close by and walked into the Ponsonbys.

You'd been inside the store a handful of times before, but only when accompanying the person actually buying- usually Gabi. Now that you were by yourself, you were able to notice more details about the store and what they sold. At initial glance, you could only see suits, polos, and fragrances for sale. A woman wearing a smart suit was behind the register gave you a judgemental stare. "We only serve customers who are going to purchase."

You raised your eyebrows in shock at the audacity. "Well, that's what I'm here to do..."

"Oh." She left the register and walked over to you. "What can I help you with, then?"

"I was wondering if you guys have maternity shirts."

"Yeah, probably. Have you tried just sucking your stomach in or something instead?" the assistant asked as she guided you to the maternity shirt area.

"Strangely enough, I'd just like to exist comfortably," you muttered. Trevor would have curbstomped this woman the second she gave me that look if he were here, you thought sourly. Maybe his aggression wasn't always bad. Still, you had an idea. You subtly fiddled with your phone and began recording the conversation just in case she had something else to say.

"Okay, here it is. There's only a few because pregnancy and fat people and all that aren't in right now. Classy people get surrogates or adopt starving African babies." She gestured to the pitifully small rack.

"Yeah," you agreed, "I don't think being an assistant in a clothes store is very 'in', either, but at least we're 'out' together, right?"

She scoffed, clearly offended by the insinuation. She paused for a second, stared at you with disgust in her face, then pointed to your abdomen. "You know, that white doesn't suit you. A darker color would look much better."

"Oh?" you prompted. "And why's that?"

"It's never been in to have stretch marks, dark lines, or weird inside-out bellybuttons visible through fabric. It's honestly gross," she sniffed.

Your gaze shot downwards to your bump. She was right- if you looked hard enough, stretch marks were faintly visible through your shirt. A wave of insecurity blanketed you. They'd been growing more prominent in the past couple weeks, and as they grew, your self-confidence shrunk. You were comforted a little when you saw and felt Raspbaby kick with all its tiny might, but it wasn't enough.

Now furious, you narrowed your eyes and glowered at her. "Are you paid by commission?"

"Yes, which is why I can't take you seriously," she sneered.

You said nothing at first, only pulled out your phone and opened your money transferring app. You had Trevor's card tied to it from when you paid Gabi back for something a couple months ago. You selected Gabi as a contact and sent her two grand with the transfer note 'Treat yourself bestie' and showed the assistant. "You could have had way more in a sale with me, you know."

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