Chapter Five

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It had been two weeks since Michael's movie premiere and life in Sandy Shores had been painfully uneventful. Nothing crazy had happened at Trevor Philips Enterprises; in fact, it had been running with less hiccups than usual. You were desperate for something new or different to occur, and you could tell Trevor was too.

It was a quarter 'til 1:00, and you were finishing a quiet brunch with Trevor. He was wordlessly staring at the dining room's TV hung up in the corner until he looked at you and said the first words he'd spoken since he'd sat down. "Whaddya wanna do today?"

"What do I wanna do today?" you echoed. "I wanna wait for you to stop chewing first before I even begin to try and understand what you just said." You made a point and waited for him to swallow his brunch before you continued. "I don't know, T. There's nothing to really do around here."

Trevor tapped his spoon against his lips for a moment, deep in thought, until he slammed it on the table excitedly. He ignored you jumping in your seat from the sudden movement and said, "Before you were around and before I found out Michael was still alive, sometimes I'd hang out with Ron and have Rondays."

"Ron days?" you echoed.

"Yes. That's one word. Rondays. It's not Wednesday anymore-"

"It's Friday," you pointed out.

"Doesn't matter. It's none of those days. It's Ronday. Now, as I was explaining before you so rudely interrupted me, Ronday is a very special day. Within reason, Ron dictates how the day will go. Last Ronday, him, Wade, this prick named Johnny, Johnny's-slash-my-girl Ashley, and I went to Grapeseed and hacked a farmer's computer. Ron was hoping to find information on the Martian people, but instead, we found out that the farmer was, uh, into kids." As you stared at Trevor in horror and confusion, he quickly added, "We killed him. The farmer. I ended up killing Johnny and Ashley a couple months later, though, so I understand how you may have gotten confused along the way."

Trevor's explanation of 'Ronday' left you with more questions than answers. You didn't know where to begin in terms of a response. Ron's a predator hunter? I know I've heard his name before, but who the fuck is Johnny? Is Trevor poly? If I do something wrong, is Trevor gonna kill me? God knew you had all the time in the world to sit around, do nothing, and think about every plausible answer to these questions.

"Trevor, you know I'm just as insecure as you are, I don't mention any of my hookups or exes, I asked you not to mention any of your-" you started saying before an alarm went off on your phone. You turned it off and looked back at him with a huff. "I'll be right back, but this conversation isn't over." 

You got up, put your dishes in the sink, and went into the bathroom to take your daily birth control. The packaging had changed slightly from previous months; the foil had changed from that of a soft lavender to steely gray. You didn't take much notice of it until the pill got stuck on your tongue going down; it hadn't happened for awhile and you were surprised when the usual tart, chemical-like taste it had wasn't there, but was instead replaced with a sweet, sugary one. 

Baffled, you swallowed it and remembered Trevor was the one to pick it up. "Trevor," you called, "come here!" 

A few seconds later, Trevor walked into the bathroom. "Do you need me to hold your hand while you shit or something...?"

"No," you scoffed. "I think you got me somebody else's medicine. It's not mine."

Concern sparked in his gaze. "You've got the packet of information that stuff always comes with, right?"

"Yeah," you said, opening the drawer where it was. 

"Do you have past prescription records?"

"Yes," you repeated, pulling an older packet and the newest packet out. 

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