Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Okay, baby, let's check out that cut," you murmured as you unwrapped the ripped portion of clean diaper around Raspbaby's shoulder.

It had been two days since James had come in and left the laceration on Raspbaby, making it twelve days total since you'd been kidnapped. Ever since Raspbaby had gotten hurt, you hadn't slept; not because Raspbaby himself was keeping you from a good nap, you didn't trust anybody who came in, and you always had one eye on them. Raspbaby's injury was slightly red around the cut and had some pus in it. You'd been doing your best to try and keep it clean, but it was difficult in your environment. "Shh, it's alright." He tended to get fussy whenever you replaced it, presumably because it caused him pain, but you tried to make it better by offering to let him eat once you finished.

You held him close to you as you wearily watched the former guard get replaced by Mark. He leaned forward, spat at you and Raspbaby, then went to sit down in the chair. "Ugly little bastard kid, Philips is," he mumbled as he opened a porn magazine.

You glanced at the clock; it read that it was just past 9AM. You heard the unzipping of leather pants, making you recoil in disgust, when the sound of a gunshot redirected your attention to whatever was outside the door. Mark paused the morally gray act he was about to commit, zipped his pants back up, and walked over to the window to figure out what exactly was going on. There was a few seconds of silence, then the noise of bullets raining exploded. You tried to sit up and watch; it could only be Trevor- you couldn't see him, but there was no other explanation.

You saw James run up to the trailer you were in and begin pounding at the door, demanding that Mark let him in. Mark obliged, and James came tumbling in, pointing at you and Raspbaby while addressing Mark. "I don't know how, but that motherfucker found out where we're hiding her. Get them both out right fucking now and hold 'em with a gun."

Mark moved quicker than you'd ever seen him go before as he unlocked the dog cage and yanked you out. "I don't know why you're fucking grinning, you dumb whore," he snapped as he grabbed your hair as close to the scalp as possible. "You, your baby daddy, and that hideous kid are about to die." He whipped a pistol out, cocked off the safety, and pressed it against your temple. James took his gun out, too, but aimed it at Raspbaby instead of you, his eyes warily trained on the door.

While you began panicking and hyperventilating, Raspbaby decided that this specific moment would be a great moment to begin nursing. Great timing, you thought, slightly annoyed that you couldn't devote your concentration on a way to get out of this.

The gunshots seemed to slow down for a couple minutes. You were praying that Trevor hadn't gotten hurt or, worse, killed, when all of a sudden, the door literally exploded off its hinges.

The early morning light caught every particle of dust that had become disturbed by the detonation. The pigmentation of the striped, rust-orange walls with peeling paper diluted from the intensity of the dustcloud when out through it stepped a tall, lanky figure which you immediately recognized to be Trevor. You were torn between wanting to leap for joy at the sheer sight of him and wanting to begin bawling, unable to see any way out of this with all three of you. "Where did you pricks put my girlfriend?" he snarled.

Trevor took a step closer, an assault rifle in his hands pointed at James, and you could see that he was nearly frothing at the mouth in rage while he gripped the gun so tight his knuckles were white. He blinked in shock, taking a fraction of a second to evaluate the situation. Quick as a whip, he looked at you. "Oh." His eyes widened a little when he saw a baby in your hands. "Oh." He fixed his gaze on James and began to step forward.

"You come closer, Philips, and they're both dead by your hands," James threatened coolly, wagging the pistol in his hands a little.

Trevor froze in place, not lowering the gun, and glared at James. "You've got two choices, you leather-clad asshole. I can kill you here, quick and fast, or I can have some fun with you like you did with [Y/N], then kill you."

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