Alex sighed as he walked through the door. It was later than usual, since he had some extra work he had to finish up with.

The annoyed and tired expression on his face quickly changed when he heard his little girl running down the stairs, full of giggles. "Daddy!" She cheered.

"Frannie!" Alex cooed as he scooped his daughter up, immediately covering her face in kisses. Frances squealed with laughter.

"How's my favorite girl today?" He asked, after releasing her from his hold, just simply holding her on his hip now.

"Me and Peggy made cookies!" Frances giggled, jumping in Alexander's arms.

"Oh my goodness! Are there any left? Or did Frannie eat them all?" Alex asked, tickling her stomach.

"I saved daddy some!" Frances giggled.

"Oh how sweet! My baby is so sweet!" Alex said, covering her faces in kisses.

Frances squealed with laughter, finding this hilarious.

Peggy laughed as she came downstairs. "There you are Frances! You ran away from me you munchkin!" She said, going over and pinching her cheek gently.

"Daddy came home!" She said, hugging her father.

"I see!" Peggy gasped.

Alex laughed softly, kissing Frances's head. "Thank you, Peggy. I'll see you tomorrow." He said, kissing her cheek.

Peggy watched Frances most days, since she worked as a part time photographer. When she was busy, however, Frances stayed with Alexander's adoptive mother, Martha Washington.

"See you tomorrow, Alex. Bye, bye Frannie!" Peggy said, waving to the child.

"Bye, Peggy!" Frances beamed.

Peggy laughed as she left, smile on her face.

"Okay, baby girl." Alex smiled, carrying Frances to the den. "What do you want for dinner?"

"Umm..." Frances thought, putting her finger on her chin. "Happy meal!" She cheered finally.

"McDonald's again!" Alex laughed. It had been fast food or restaurants everyday for the last eight months. Every now and then, however, Alex's adoptive family would make them meals.

"Did you go to dance today?" Alex asked, sitting her next to him on the couch and getting out his phone so he could order through doordash.

"Mhm! Guess what!" Frances asked, basically jumping with excitement of what she was about to say.

"What?" Alex gasped back.

"I can do a front Ariel!" Frances squealed, clapping.

"Really!?" Alex gasped, picking her up and putt her on the ground. "Show me, baby!"

Frances giggled, moving and getting her space before show Alex the move she learned in dance that day.

"Oh my goodness!" Alex scooped her up, covering her face in kisses. "Daddy's so so proud of you! He's so proud of Frances!"

Frances squealed with laughter, enjoying the praise from her father.

"How about we go eat a big bowl of ice cream to celebrate!" Alex exclaimed.

Frances nodded quickly. "Yes!" She exclaimed, jumping up and down.

Alex laughed, picking his daughter up and taking her to the kitchen. He sat her on the counter, opening the freezer and getting out the treat he knew his daughter loves so much.

Oh, How Lovely~ LamsWhere stories live. Discover now