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"Ms. Manning, please make your statement." The judge stated.

Martha stood up, getting a nod from her lawyer before she walked to the stand, putting her hand on the Bible as well and making the oath.

John looked back at his mom, Philip, and Martha(his sister) before looking at Alex, who was taking notes. John swallowed hard and looked at Martha on the stand as she started.

"When John and I first got together- it wasn't very nice. He was way more of a partier than I. And in a way I would say he corrupted me. I was a good girl. I'd go to church every Sunday and I went to college on a full ride into the nursing school. John, he was a bad guy. He invited me to parties and he'd get me high all the time. He'd give me alcohol and I-I accepted it. I didn't know any better."

John tried to not show his anger and annoyance in his face. It was half true. John offered those things to her but he never forced.

"It wasn't just marijuana but coke or oxy- just whatever was around he would get me to do. When I got pregnant, I didn't know what to do. I knew I needed to have the kid but I wasn't ready for a kid and I didn't want John to have a kid either- as much as he wanted I just knew he wouldn't- couldn't be a good father. He had a lifestyle he clearly wasn't ready to give up."

Alex and John's family all looked at him at that part, knowing it would anger him. They were right, he was angry but was hiding it well, more so looking upset.

"I needed to get my life together so I left- which wasn't right. I shouldn't have left Philip with John- it only hurt Philip. I should have been there but I'm ready now and I can't- and I hope you won't- leave him in that house. John just... he hasn't grown p. He's still on drugs and he stays out late. He leaves Philip with his mom to have hook ups or get high. He puts being a father second and it's hurting Philip. It's hurting him badly."

Martha took a deep breath, looking at the judge. "When staying with John, I saw several drugs in his possession. Coke, oxy, marijuana, and yes, even heroine. These drugs weren't even out of reach of Philip, all being in his bedside table."

John was pissed and ready to cry. He couldn't deal with this. It wasn't true and he knew it.

"He doesn't have time for his child, almost always leaving him with his mother or his friends- who also are as reckless as he is."

"I, on the other hand, am close to graduating with a nursing degree. I am clean and I have money to support both Philip and I without leaving him for hours at a time." Martha said, looking down for a minute for sympathy.

"I'm not going to argue that I've been a good mother. Really, truly, I shouldn't have left Philip. But that doesn't mean I didn't think of him every single day. I did and I just... I needed to get myself clean and well enough top stand to be a good mother. I love my son and I don't want to be away from him any longer." Martha finished.

"Have you ever hit Mr. Laurens hard enough to question abuse?" The judge asked.

Martha shook her head. "No, I have never hit nor abused Mr. Laurens in any way."

A few more questions were asked before Martha was finished on the stand and back to her seat.

"I'm going to order a drug test on both of you. This case seems to be going beyond custody so we will discuss the possibility of a jury court, though ultimately, it is the decision of both of you. The court will resume on Monday." The judge stood, as did everyone else in the room as she left. A cop came to John and Martha, instructing them to follow to a nearby room, where they both were drug tested.

Neither said a word to each other, John just wanting to leave and hold his son.

He followed the instructions, not liking having to do this in front of the officer but understanding. He finished, washing his hands and walking outside, immediately going to Alex and his family, picking Philip up and holding him tightly.

"Mama, I'm- um- I'm gonna take lil man with me to Alex's." John said, sniffling softly.

Eleanor nodded, putting a hand on his cheek. "Okay, hijo, just call me please." She said gently, wiping a tear with her thumb.

John sniffled again and nodded. "Yeah, I will." He promised, moving and hugging her tightly, Philip still being held by him with one arm.

Eleanor held her eldest son for a moment, kissing his cheek before pulling back. He hugged his sister as well before leaving with Alex, knowing they needed to get some things straight but John really just wanted to be with his son.

"How are you feeling, Jay?" Alex asked as he drove, John and Philip in the back.

John shook his head, laying it on Philip's carseat. "I can't... I can't lose him, lex." He broke out a sob as he started crying. He was normally a very strong person but recently, his life was falling apart and the worst thing imaginable was happening.

"You won't. At least not all the way. It's not going to happen." Alex assured, feeling terrible. He couldn't imagine what he would do if this was him with Frances.

"Papa..." Philip whined, moving his hands up for a hug, about to cry too since his father was. He hated seeing his dad cry.

"Aye, lil man, don't cry. Don't cry. I ain't gonna let anything happen to you. You're my boy forever." John said, kissing his head and wiping his tears.

When they arrived at Alex's place, they got out. John sat with Philip laying down with his head in his lap on the couch, watching a movie on the tv.

"I need to know everything, John. Everything. What drugs have you done? When? How long?" Alex said.

"I-um- I've done pretty much all of them but meth and shrooms- but I haven't done anything in a minute." John said.

"How long?" Alex asked.

"Um, I stopped most hard shit when Philip was born. You know I smoke weed on the reg. I did some coke and oxy when I was with Martha- for her birthday. That was like a month and a half ago though."

Alex took a deep breath. "When's the last time you smoked?"

"last night."


Alex put his head in his hands. "Okay, okay, so nothing else will show in your system. But do you have anything in your apartment? Any drugs?"

"Only weed." John explained.

"You need to get rid of it. Like tonight. CPS will be at your place at any point until Monday. If they find something, Philip will be put in a temporary home in foster care. even if the judge didn't state it, Lafayette said they almost always do when drugs are mentioned."

"I also need you or anyone who has them to send me pictures of your scars when Martha would hurt you. I need to get them printed off and in the evidence folder. I need a list of witnesses, if there are anymore you want to add that I don't know about." Alex finished.

John nodded, swallowing hard.

"Thank you, Lex. Thank you so much." He said. He leaned in to give Alex a kiss but was met with Alex's cheek.

"Not until the case is over. You're my client now, John. And my main concern is keeping Philip in your home." Alex explained and John nodded.

"That's probably for the best. Thank you."

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