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"You're fucking dad needs to get home." Martha muttered, rubbing her temple as Philip cried loudly. 

"Papa!" Philip sobbed, practically screaming. 

Philip was usually a pretty easy kid. He didn't often throw fits or cry so loud. But it was two thirty in the morning and he hadn't gotten any sleep because Martha wouldn't be quiet. 

"Shut up, Philip!" Martha yelled, frustrated and angry. She couldn't get ahold of John and was loosing her mind. 

Philip was shaking and sobbing, trying to leave his crib to run away. His mom was freaking him out and he just wanted John. 

"I can't fucking do this anymore. I can't fucking do this." Martha muttered, practically pulling her hair out. 

Philip pulled himself over the railing before falling to the floor. He started to sob louder, hurting his arm and head. He sobbed louder, if that was even possible. 

He did get back up and run to the door, not being able to reach to he just banged on it. This only annoyed Martha more. "Fucking bullshit. Fucking spoiled brat." She took her bag and started to throw her clothes into it. 

John pressed the elevator button up to the apartment. He was tired, it had been a long shift, as they always were on Saturday nights. Plus, he stayed late to walk home one of the strippers so nothing would happen to her. John didn't mind staying late to walk the girls home, knowing they need someone. 

He was ready to crawl into bed and sleep. Tomorrow was Sunday so he could sleep in and spend the day with his family. 

He leaned his head on the elevator wall, closing his eyes for a moment until he heard the ding of the door opening. He opened his eyes and started walking down the hall before he heard Philip crying from a few doors down. 

"Shit..." John muttered, rushing down the hall. He heard Philip banging on the door from the inside, as if he was trying to get out. This only made John more worried and he tried to open the door carefully to not hurt Philip. 

"Watch out, Pip, it's Papa." John said so he'd step away. He opened the door gently after a moment and Philip immediately ran to him. 

"Aye, lil man. I got you." John picked him up, worried now on what was going on. He held him and walked in, rubbing his back. 

"You're alright, lil man. I got you." John said, kissing his head. 

"I can't do this. I can't fucking do this." Martha said, grabbing her bag and leaving the bedroom, going through the living room. 

"Woah, woah, Martha, baby, where you going?" John said, turning around and going to her quickly, putting his hand that was on Philip's back on her hip. 

"I can't do this anymore John! I can't do it." Martha said, leaning into John's side, opposite of the one Philip was on. 

"Aye, shh, you got it. You're alright, mami." John assured, kissing her head, then leaning over and kissing Philips. 

"Look, baby, why don't you go lay down. I'll keep Pip in here and you can get some sleep." John suggested. even if he was tired, he'd rather make sure both Martha and Philip are okay. 

Martha nodded softly, staying there for a moment before kissing John and going to lay down. John followed, grabbing Philip's dino and blanket from his crib. he then left the room, shutting the door and going to the couch. 

"What happened, lil man? It's just me and you." John said softly, laying with Philip on him. 

"M-mama was loud a-and I-I no sleep!" Philip cried. "A-and I-I f-fell!" He showed John the scrap on his arm. 

"Well, lucky for you, lil man, I can get this all fixed up for you." John said, holding Philip before standing up and going to the kitchen. He sat Philip on the counter and reached in the cabinet for the dinosaur band aids he left up there. He put it on the scrap, since it wasn't that bad. He then went in the fridge and made Philip a sippie cup of milk. He put it in the microwave for a moment, added a bit of cinnamon. He mixed it up, put on the lid, and gave it to Philip. 

"There you go, lil man. A dino band aid and some milk makes you feel better." John said, picking him back up and swaying him gently so he'd fall asleep. 

Philip sniffled and drunk his milk, much more content now since he was alone with his father. Philip didn't really like his mother. 

Once Philip fell asleep, which didn't take too long since he was already so tired, John put his cup of milk away and went to the living room. He laid on the couch, laying Philip on his chest and putting his small blanket over the both of them and went to sleep.

John was up again by seven, before the others. He had trouble sleeping that night, uncomfortable from the couch. He didn't mind though. He'd be alright. He got up carefully, not wanting to wake Philip, and went to the kitchen. He made some coffee, getting himself a glass before starting a breakfast for them. 

He just made biscuits, scrambled eggs, and bacon. He plated some and went to the bedroom. He set the plate to the side and got on the bed, kissing Martha's neck gently to wake her up. 

"Mornin, mami. I got you some breakfast." He said as she woke, nuzzling his face into her neck gently. 

"Mmm" Martha muttered, pushing John off of her. "I'm tryna fucking sleep, John." She said, wanting to be left alone and sleep. 

John caught himself after being pushed, not wanting to fall. "Alright, baby. Sorry." He frowned a bit, grabbing the plate and leaving, shutting the door. 

He sighed as he left, putting the food away and putting it on low heat in the oven so it would stay warm until Philip woke up. Once he did, john fed him and they got ready to visit John's mom for a bit while Martha slept.

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