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John put on his best suit- which his mom bought him the previous morning. Today was the first day of court and he was clearly nervous. He let out a sigh, adjusting the tie around his neck. He hated it but both his mom and Alex agreed it was necessary.

Eleanor walked behind him, turning him to face him. "Hijo, you look nice. It's almost time to go." She said, taking a string off his coat.

John nodded and looked down a bit. "I'm scared, mama." He stated.

"I know, hijo, but we will not let her win. You aren't losing Philip. I can promise you that." Eleanor assured. "It's going to be alright." She promised.

John nodded softly, kissing his moms cheek. "Thank you." He said, swallowing hard before going to Philip and picking him up.

"Come on, lil man. We don't wanna be late." John said, rubbing his back as he grabbed the diaper bag for him. It had stuff he would need throughout the day.

"Papa." Philip wined, laying his head on his fathers shoulder. "I got you, Pip." John assured, kissing his head as he walked out with Eleanor. John got in the backseat with Philip, wanting to stay with him whenever possible right then. Eleanor began to drive to the court house. It was silent, clearly the mood being much more sad than happy then.

John swallowed hard when he saw Martha walking into the courthouse from the car. 

"It's alright, hijo. You can't- you can't let her get to you." Eleanor said, putting a hand on his knee. 

John nodded, closing his eyes for a moment before unbuckling Philip from his car seat and getting out, holding Philip in his arms. Eleanor was going to have him in the back today, since witnesses wouldn't be called today. 

Alex, who was waiting by the door, walked over to John when he saw him. "Hello, John. How are you feeling?" He asked, even though he knew. 

John laughed and shook his head. "Not very good, Lex." He said, rubbing Philip's back. 

Alex nodded. "Well, we should get going. Court starts in just a couple minutes." He explained. 

John nodded, kissing Philip's head before handing him to Eleanor. He walked with Alex, breathing out. 

"After this, I'm going to suggest we go to talk. We can go to a restaurant, my place,  whatever you would like." Alex stated as they walked up the stairs. 

"What? You askin me on a date?" John joked with a laugh that definitely had a sad undertone. 

Alex shook his head, trying to not smile. He almost slipped, telling him he missed him but shook it off. They walked in the court house, sitting for a moment and Alex gave him a quick reminder of how things were going to happen today until they had to rise for the judge. Alex and John quickly shut their mouth, John fixing the blazer that was very uncomfortable. He never wear suits- not even to his prom. He just wore a black jean jacket and a black shirt with ripped jeans and Jordans. 

John glanced back, seeing Philip and his mom sitting next to his younger sister, Martha. He was surprised she came back to the city but as much as they fought growing up, they loved each other so he knew she was worried. 

He glanced to the other side of the courtroom to see Martha, who stood well composed. On the contrary, John looked like a panicked mess. They soon sat, and court went on. John was soon called on to make their case. He was clearly struck with a panic, even though he had been rehearsing his case the last few days. He looked back at his mom and Philip, who nodded at him in encouragement. He stood up, walking over to the stand and standing, putting his hand on the bible. Even if John didn't really affiliate himself with a religion, he grew up going to a Baptist church so he would put his hand on a bible rather than a different religious book. 

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