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John left Alex's early the next morning, heading home to change and get ready for court. Today would hopefully be the last day. Even if court this was only the fifth day of court, it felt like this had been going on for months. 

He was nervous, the last day and he would be questioned. But he knew what to do. His evidence of abuse had already been submitted and reviewed. His drug test were clean and Maria gave a testimony in his defense. And Martha's friend, Dolly, didn't state John brought the drugs to the party, just that he was doing them, as well as Martha. He was thankful for her. 

"John Laurens to the stand." The judge called and John swallowed hard. He sat in the cold seat, shaking a bit from nerves and anticipation. 

He put his hand on the bible and said the promise before Martha's lawyer came forward. 

"Mr. Laurens, is it true that you were possession and taking illegal drugs while being primary guardian over Philip Laurens?" She asked, 

"I was not in possession of illegal drugs. Looking at the picture, this was taken from Martha's bedside table, not mine. I did, however, get high with drugs while Philip was staying the night at my mothers." 

"These images you submitted of bruises and scars- are these all from Ms. Manning?" 

"Most of them. A few may be from my clumsiness but majority of the scars and bruises are from Martha's abuse." 

The questioning continued for what felt like forever. John felt as though he was going insane. 

"You restricted Martha's time with Philip from the beginning of his life. What makes you feel as though you deserve to have full custody when he barely got to see his mother?" 

That question made John angry. 

"Well, Martha could have come to see Philip whenever she pleased. I never stopped her. She left when he was born and every time she has come back, I allowed her into Philip's life because I don't want him growing up wondering where his mother is. The only time I ever restricted her was when she began abusing me. I could not- would not- let her around Philip then because I didn't want... I couldn't let him be hurt." John swallowed hard. 

"I didn't get to know my dad growing up and the man who was there like my father hit me and my mama. I can't... I won't let that cycle continue with Philip and if having to take away Martha's parentship-" John questioned if that was actually a word, "then I would do it in a heart beat." 

"I've spent the last three years raising Philip as a single father- with the help of my family, of course. He is comfortable with me and taking him... taking him away for a woman he barely knows is just... it's wrong... cruel even." 

"Would it also be cruel to put him in a home that needs several changes to be approved for child living and with a father with a drug problem?" 

"I do not have a drug problem." John snapped back.

"It seems you do- I mean, you admitted to doing drugs, everyone has said you were borderline addicted in college so is this just the gateway of you spiraling to an addiction?" 

John looked at Alex, who was giving a 'stay calm' look. He took a breath. 

"I'm not an addict. I got thrown in with the college kid life but I stopped once my son was born. And I slipped. But I'm willing to take a drug test every day if I have to. I'll attend NA. Anything to keep my son and show that I'm not an addict." 

"Ms. Mannings home passed inspection with flying colors. Yours, however, did not at all. With all of these violations, these dangers to the child, how is your home the safest option?" 

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