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Alex laughed as he stood in his friends kitchen, sipping the beer in his hand.

"What about you, Alex?" Thomas laughed, flipping over a couple of the meets on the grill.

"My craziest sex story? Oh god-" Alex laughed.

"Well, I've only ever slept with Liz." Alex said, tilting his head back in thought.

"Oh god- one time, Angelica walked in on us. And this was like when we first started dating. Angelica didn't care for me and of course didn't like me sleeping with her little sister so she just started screaming at us- mostly me. We were there, naked, me halfway in her when she walked in." Alex laughed, shaking his head. "Eliza cried for like a month about it."

"Aww." Adrienne said. "She was always so emotional. It was precious."

Alex smiled sadly and nodded. "Yeah, she was."

"Yeah, that's cool but what a boring ass story." Thomas said, to which James hit his shoulder.

"Don't say things like that!" James scolded to his husband.

"What! It's true!" Thomas exclaimed. "Look- you need to get laid, man. You and Eliza were just so vanilla so it's boring talking about sex with you."

"Yeah, thank you for that." Alex mumbled, not so much in a good mood now. "I think me and Frances should get going."

"Man, are you really getting upset over that? I didn't say anything bad. Jesus Christ." Thomas sipped his beer, frustrated.

"Mhm, sure you didn't." Alex muttered, grabbing his things. "Frances Eleanor!" He called to the yard, where all their kids were playing.

"Frances, come on. It's time to go." Alex said, walking over to her.

"No! I'm playing!" Frances whined, stomping her foot and crossing her arm.

"It's time to go, Frances, honey. Come on." Alex sighed, going over and picking her up.

Frances started sobbing loudly, very mad and upset now since she didn't want to leave.

Alex grabbed their things, leaving Thomas's house. He brought Frances to the car and sat her in the car seat. Frances sobbed, fighting Alex about getting in the car.

"Come on, honey. We can go get ice cream." Alex offered, trying to get her to sit down.

"No! No! No! No! No!" Frances cried.

Alex finally got her straps in, handing her the stuffed bunny she carried everywhere.

Frances held her bunny, crying loudly. Alex got in the drivers side, seeing Lafayette come out of the house. He came up to Alex's window, knocking gently. Alex sighed, rolling the window down.

"You don't need to leave, frère." Lafayette frowned. "You know Thomas does not know when to speak." He explained.

"Well, I'm not going to stay when he is talking about my late wife and our relationship." Alex shrugged, his head starting to hurt from Frances sobs in his ear.

"You are correct, ami. He should not have done that. But both you and the Frances were having fun. You don't need to leave." Lafayette said.

"I'm sorry, Laf, but I need to go. Just- I'll text you later." Alex waved him off.

Lafayette nodded, frowning a bit and stepping from the car. Alex rolled his window back up and began to drive back to his place.

"Fannie, look! It's your song!" Alex exclaimed as he played Watermelon Sugar by Harry Styles. Frances always liked the song.

Frances didn't care, continuing he crying and throwing her stuffed bunny at Alex.

"Frances!" Alex scolded, swerving a bit because of the distraction. Frances continued to sob loudly, completely pissed from her father.

Alex tried to focus on the road, trying to concentrate but it was hard with Frances. It didn't help that he already wasn't the best driver in general.

Alex pulled home, luckily making it safely. He got out, taking a moment to breath before he grabbed Frances's bunny from the front. He then shut the door, going to Frances's and opened it.

"Come on, baby." Alex said, trying to get her out. She seemed to have started to wear herself out from her tantrum.

"I wanna go back." Frances cried to Alex as he let her out.

"I know baby." Alex cooed, picking her up. She laid her head on his shoulder, hiccuping softly. "Daddy's so sorry he made you leave. He shouldn't have made Fannie leave yet." He said, kissing her head and shutting the door.

"I was having fun!" Frances cried softly.

"I know, honey." Alex said, going to their garage door and unlocking it. "How about daddy turns on Jojo Siwa and we can get pizza and have ice cream!" He suggested. "Would that make Fannie happy?"

Frances nodded, sniffling softly. Alex kissed her head, shutting the door and going to the kitchen. He gave her the lamb, opening the fridge and giving her one of the juice boxes as well, opening it first.

"Thank you, daddy." Frances coughed, sipping the juice and holding her lamb.

"No problem, amor." Alex smiled, bringing her to his bedroom upstairs and sitting her in his bed.

Alex turned the tv on, going to Netflix. He turned on the Jojo Siwa special, which was Frances's favorite. She absolutely loved Jojo Siwa. Really, Alex found her annoying as hell. He dealt with it, though, because she was Frances's favorite and he wanted to make her happy.

Alex sat at the back of the bed, opening his arms. "Come here, baby girl." He said.

Frances stood and walked over to Alex, almost falling cause of the bed, and sat in his lap, leaning back onto his chest.

Alex leaned back, holding Frances close as she watched the program. He smiled, enjoying this moment with the person who meant the most to him.

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