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"I don't think... I don't think this is working out." John said, regretting it the moment it came out. He was terrified and hurting, as he still did love Martha, even if he was afraid of her.

Martha scoffed out a laugh. "What are you saying John? Are you trying to break up with me right now?"

John breathed in softly. "I-I um..." He sat for a moment before closing his eyes and nodding. "Yeah, I am." He said quietly

"You can't break up with me, John! What the fuck!" Martha yelled, standing up. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! You can't do this to me!"

"Martha, please just-" John started before he was interrupted.

"No! You aren't breaking up with me!" Martha yelled. "You can't fucking do this, John!"

"Martha-" John started to plead, very emotional by the sound of his voice.

"I bet it's cause of that dumb fucking bitch you were sleeping with. I bet he's making you do this! I'll fucking kill him!"

"Martha no, it's not Lex!" John exclaimed. "Just listen to me for a goddamn minute!"

"No, John! I won't fucking listen! I don't get why you would do this to me!" Martha said. "Fine! You want me gone! I'll leave but don't think I won't go down without a fight, damnit!"

"Wh-what?" John asked, confused on what she meant by this threat.

"Oh come on, John. I always know how to get to you. I'm Philip's mother and I will be doing everything I can to take him away from you." Martha said.

"You want to hurt me? Fine. But I'll hurt you worse, John." Martha said, walking to the room, angrily to grab her things.

"Martha, Martha!" John started to panic now with what she was saying. He followed her into the room. "What do you mean? You can't take him away from me!" He exclaimed.

"Actually, I can and I will. He's just as much my son as yours and if there's one thing I know, it's that you can't afford a lawyer but my family has one of the best in the country. You're gonna hurt me? I'll always come back and hurt you worse."

"Martha- please don't do this." John started to feel himself begin to cry. He hated crying in front of people, especially Martha. She always told him to "man up." But he couldn't help it in this instance. He couldn't stand the thought of losing Philip.

Martha rolled her eyes and continued to throw her things in her bags. She ignored John.

John went up to Martha and grabbed her by her waist, not hard but firm since he needed her attention. "Martha- come on. Please!" he cried, really starting to feel as though he was losing his mind.

That little thing set Martha over the edge. All John could really remember was being shoved to the grown and things repeatedly being thrown at him as he cried. Eventually, he was able to run to the bathroom and lock the door, after what felt like forever.

He sat there, holding his hip and listen Martha have her rage around the apartment as she packed her things. He waited until there was silence through the door, hesitating for a good few minutes before he walked out, holding his hip as he went and laid on his bed, coughing up some sobs.

He laid for a few minutes before he got up, going to Philips crib and grabbing his blanket, holding it tightly. He crawled back into bed, crying into the blanket, in pain both mentally and physically.

John was a very strong person, in many ways, though Martha made him feel weak.


"How's your arm feeling, princess?" Alex asked as he sat next to her on the couch, some cookies in his hand for her to enjoy.

"I want it off, daddy!" Frances exclaimed, talking about the brace she had to wear all day, every day.

"I know, baby, but you have to do it." Alex frowned, kissing her head. "Here, have a cookie." He said, giving her one of the chocolate chip cookies Peggy had made. 

When Eliza was still alive, she made the best cookies. Frances would always have some kind of treat that her mom made and it was definitely the cause of all of Alex's weight gain throughout the years. She never wrote her recipes down so once she passed, her treats did too. Peggy had tried for a long time and found one recipe that was closer than any others so Frances always had to have them made.

Frances took the cookie and ate a bite before frowning. "I miss mommy's cookies." She said, leaning into her fathers side.

Alex frowned more, wrapping his arm around her gently. "Me too, baby girl." He said.

"I want mommy back." Frances sniffled, hugging her father.

"I know, baby, me too." Alex said, picking her up so she was sitting in his lap.

"You don't know how much I love you." Alex said, holding her close and putting his head in her hair. "mi mariposa, mi ángel, mi línea de vida. You are everything I need and more. I love you more then the world, more than anything." He kissed her head.

"I have a something for you, baby." Alex said, picking her up and walking with her upstairs.

"What is it?" Frances asked, laying her head on his shoulder as he carried her upstairs and to his room.

"You'll see in a minute, baby. Hold on." Alex laughed softly, putting her on his bed and going to the closet. He took out a jewelry box that was in the back. He put it on the bed, opening it and pulling out a locket.

"Now, when I was a little boy, I lost my mommy too. She got really sick and passed away in her sleep. You never got to meet her but she would love you so much, baby girl." Alex grabbed the item wrapped in the handkerchief and sat down beside Frances, having her sit down cross cross, facing him.

"You remind me so much of my mommy, baby. You look so much like her and you have her attitude." Alex laughed softly, looking down. "You'd mean so much to her. She'd love you so much. But she'd be mad at me for not taking you to synagogue." He laughed, feeling very sad.

"She left me this and I know she'd want me to give it to you, princess." Alex undid the handkerchief, revealing to locket.

"Look," Alex put Frances in his lap and opened the locket. "Here's picture of my mommy on this side. And then, the other day, I put a picture of your mommy on this one." He sniffled softly, not wanting to cry now.

"I was gonna wait until you were a little older to give this to you, but I think you can have it now." Alex said, putting it on her and moving her hair. "Now anytime you miss mommy, you can open your necklace and see her." He sniffled, kissing her cheek.

Frances opened the necklace and looked. She kissed the picture.

"I love you, mommy."

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