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"Hey, Jay." Alex smiled as he sipped his third cup of coffee of the day. He was in his office, due to it being Friday afternoon.

"Lex! I didn't know it was you," John laughed, sitting in the break room at his first job of the day. Friday's were his busy day, working all three jobs.

"Yeah, I'm calling off my work phone." Alex laughed softly. he looked down for a moment, smiling.

"But I was calling to see if you wanted to join my friends with a barbeque this weekend? They all have kids so Philip can socialize and you can bring some friends if you want." Alex hummed gently against the phone.

"Shit yeah. What y'all making?" John asked, eating his burger he had made before his break.

"Burgers, hot dogs, Mac and Cheese, corn, jalapeño poppers, ribs, ya know, barbeque food." Alex said, turning a bit in his chair.

"Sounds so fucking good-" John said. "What day?" He asked.

"Sunday." Alex swallowed a bit hard. "I know they're usually on Saturday but that's just what they wanted." He fibbed a bit.

"That's dope. I'm off all day on Sunday's so I'll be there, hottie." John assured, eating a fry.

Alex smiled at the name, John making him feel like a teenager falling in love again. "Great! It's going to be at two, at my friend, Thomas's, place so I'll text you the address."

"Sounds good, Lex." John smiled.

"Do you want to come over tonight?" Alex asked with a hum, looking at the carpeted floor.

"You know I do, baby Lex, but I gotta work until really late and I need my sleep, ya know?" John said, leaning in his seat.

"Yeah, I get it. Get some sleep, Jay. I'll see you Sunday." Alex said with a smile.

"I will. See you then, Lex." John smiled before hanging up and finishing his lunch.

Alex sighed softly as he put the phone down, beginning to work again on his computer. It didn't last long before his assistant knocked on the door.

"Yes, Kathrine, come in." Alex said, not looking up from his work.

"Hello, Mr. Hamilton." Kathrine smiled, sitting in one of the chairs in front of him.

"Yes, Kitty, what is it?" Alex asked, finishing his sentence on the computer before looking at her. He noticed she was showing a lot of cleavage, even her bra. Alex refrained from looking, even if he found it attractive.

Kitty held back a frown. "Um, your four o'clock meeting cancelled today." Kitty leaned over the desk, really showing off her breast now as she showed Alex the iPad. Alex chewed his lip, keeping his eyes on the tablet.

"They wanted to reschedule for Monday but I talked them into Tuesday at two. Is that alright?" She asked.

"As long as I have nothing else at the time, that is fine." Alex said. "Is that all?"

"Uhm, yeah." Kitty nodded, standing up and pretending to drop the iPad pen. "Oh!" Kitty said, bending over and sticking her ass out way more than needed. Her pencil skirt was tight and really riding up. Alex could even make out the outline of the thong she was wearing.

Alex coughed awkwardly, glaring at his computer screen to stop from looking at the girl.

"Mr. Hamilton? Are you alright?" She asked, seeing his dark red cheeks.

"Hm, yes, I'm fine." Alex said, not looking away from his computer, typing quickly.

"Are you sure? Do you need some more coffee?" Kitty asked, leaning over his desk and reaching for his coffee mug.

"Nope, I'm good. Why don't you just take the rest of the day off, Kitty. yes, I think that's good. I'm going to have a meeting with Thomas later anyways. You enjoy your long weekend." Alex jumbled together, grabbing a couple things before walking out, needing to get away from that HR report waiting to happen.

"Hey, fucker." Alex said, walking into his office and sitting in front of him.

"Hey, cock sucker." Thomas said, looking up from his paper work. "You look flustered. That hot assistant of yours at it again?" He asked, knowing this had been going on for a while, even when Eliza was still around.

One time, Alex got very close to sleeping with her. They were having a mandatory work meeting, but Eliza had taken Frances to a dance competition over night so Alex had to stay home alone. It was stupid and Alex new it was wrong ones their lips touched and clothes began to come off. There was touching and squeezing and it would have gone much further if fire alarm hadn't been pulled and everyone had to evacuate the building.

Alex regretted it as soon as it ended and told Kitty they could never again. But Kitty was young and knew what she wanted. Since then, she hadn't given up trying, besides for a short while after Eliza's death.

"Yeah, basically shoving her tits in my face." Alex rubbed his face with his hand.

"If she didn't work for you, I'd tell you to do it man. She has a really nice body." Thomas chuckled softly.

"Yeah, she does but I can't do that." Alex laughed. "I may be a good lawyer but so is her dad and I don't need a lawsuit if anything happens."

"Mhm... imagine explaining that to Frances." Thomas shook his head.

"Oh God- I would never!" Alex said, laughing. "No- I had to explain where babies come to her when Adrienne got pregnant again. Never want a conversation like that again." He shook his head.

"She threw a big tantrum this morning." Alex groaned, leaning his head back. "She wanted to ride her bike to Martha's. Obviously I wouldn't let her since it's a two mile trip but she wouldn't listen and threw her bike down- which really pissed me off but I didn't push it. I just picked the bike up and then put her in the car, with her kicking and crying. Then I started driving cause I'm already late at this point. I'm a good five minutes out and she starts screaming her head off cause she left her god damn bunny at home. I wasn't going to turn around at first but then she unbuckled herself from her car seat so I started freaking out- God it was just a mess." He shook his head.

Thomas chuckled, shaking his head as well. "Frances sure is a handful. I'm glad Peter never throws tantrums or screams." He said.

"Yeah, you got an easy kid. He just sits there and chills all the time." Alex agreed. "My Frances is so emotional and sassy."

"Yeah, she gets it from you."

Alex laughed and nodded. "Yeah, she does." He said.

"Anyways," Alex started, sitting up in his seat. "I'm inviting this guy I've been hooking up with the last two months to the barbeque and some of his friends."

Thomas nodded. "It is your barbeque. Invite whoever you want." He shrugged, sitting up and opening a folder. "But you, just hooking up with someone?" He raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Alex asked.

"You just don't seem like the type of person to have a casual hook up." Thomas laughed.

Alex rolled his eyes. "You're an asshole"

"And you're the whole ass." Thomas replied. "Now get the fuck out of my office, I have a meeting in a few minutes."

Alex got up and rolled his eyes, going back to his office.

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