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"Have you chosen a school for Frances?" Doctor Pendleton asked as he observed the child's hand. 

"I have a few picked out. I'm still trying to decide whether or not to go to private school or not." Alex said, sitting on the chair next to the office bed.

"Oh, both have positives and negatives." The doctor said, moving away from Frances and writing on the clipboard. 

"Alright," He said, facing Alex. "So her hand function hasn't improved in the last six months. it's time to seriously consider the surgery on her hand." Dr. Pendleton explained. 

Alex swallowed hard and nodded. The last few months, he had been getting Frances to use her left hand whenever possible so this wasn't the next step. Clearly, it didn't do much. 

"This doesn't mean you have to do it, however this could benefit her when she starts school and help her in school." He explained, pulling up her x-ray for Alex to see. 

"Dr. Moore says that the progress since the last visit hasn't improved in the slightest, meaning it will most likely never improve in function." He stated, pointing at the damage on the x-ray they did when she first arrived. 

Frances moved off of the bed, sitting on her fathers lap instead since she was getting bored. Alex held her to his lap, playing with her fingers as he and the doctor spoke. 

"Can I get some more information on it before I agree?" Alex asked nervously. 

"Of course. I can tell reception to email you all the facts and figures. And I can give you have my number. Just call with any questions or concerns about it. Just know, if you decide to go through with it, she will be in good hands." The doctor assured, taking the x ray photo of her hand down and attaching it to his clip board. 

"Thank you, doctor." Alex said, kissing Frances's head. 

"Of course, Mr. Hamilton." Nathaniel said, pulling a sucker out of his coat and handing it to Frances. "And that's for you, Frances! You have a good day!" He said. 

"Thank you!" Frances squealed, taking the popsicle. 

The doctor laughed softly. "Stop by the receptionist before you leave." He told Alex before walking out. 

Alex nodded as he left. 

"Here, baby, I got you." Alex said, opening her popsicle and throwing the wrapper away. 

"Thank you, daddy!" Frances squealed, enjoying the sucker. Alex kissed her head and stood up, holding her before walking out. He stopped by reception before he left, getting what he needed before driving home. 

"Why don't you watch a bit of TV while daddy does some work, princess? Then Lafayette and Georges and Anastasie can some over for a bit. Does that sound good?" Alex asked, unbuckling Frances once they got home and carrying her in the house. 

"Okay, daddy. I wanna watch Tangled!" She said, laying her head on his shoulder. She was always tired after the doctor because they were always there a while.

"Alright, honey. I'll put on Tangled." Alex said, walking upstairs and putting her in his bed, turning on tangled from his TV. He laid down next to her, grabbing his laptop from the bedside table. He went to his email, beginning to read the information he was sent by the doctors office. 

It only took twenty minutes for Frances to fall asleep, head in his lap. He continued to read on before it was making him too frustrated and miserable. He shut his laptop and moved it to the side, running his fingers through Frances's hair. He turned down the volume on the TV so it wouldn't wake her before he grabbed his phone. 

He scrolled through his messages until he found John's contact. The two had barely talked the last month. It hurt Alex, since he really did have feelings for John, but he was back with his ex. 

"At least I still got you." Alex whispered with a sigh, bending down and kissing Frances's head.

Frances slept for about an hour before Lafayette and his children arrived. The kids went to Frances's room and Alex sat at the kitchen bar, giving him and Laf a cup of coffee. 

"How's Adrienne?" Alex asked, taking a sip. "Mourning takes time. She could be better tomorrow, it could take her months." 

Lafayette nodded softly, looking down. "Je sais" he replied. 

"What about you? Are you doing alright?" Alexander asked.

Lafayette shrugged. "I've accepted that our baby girl is gone... but it feels like my wife left with her." 

"She's not gone. She's just a little lost right now. She will find her way back soon." Alex assured. 

"I hope so." Lafayette let out a sigh. "She's going to go back home for a few weeks. Her and the kids are leaving in a few days." 

"Are you not going?" Alex asked. 

"Non, non. I have to work. And I think she may need the time alone with the kids, vous connaissez?" Lafayette said. 

"Yeah, I get it. Are you going to be alright all alone?" Alex asked, worried about his brother.

"I'll be fine." Lafayette shook his head. 

"Okay, just call me or tell me if you need something." Alex reminded. 

"I will." Lafayette assured.

"Frances is going to have to have surgery on her hand." Alex sighed. 

"Really?" Lafayette asked, looking at him. 

"Yeah. Her hand hasn't improved and it's going to hurt her a lot when she's older." Alex frowned. 

"Have you set the date for it yet?" Lafayette asked. 

"No, not yet." Alex sighed. 

"It will be alright." Lafayette assured. 

"I know, I know. It just worries me a lot. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to my little girl." 

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