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I know it's slow right now but it will pick up soon, I promise

"Can you use your fork with your other hand, baby." Alex said, sitting next to Frances at the breakfast table, sipping his coffee.

"I don't wanna." Frances whined, kicking her feet a bit.

Alex frowned, pushing a bit of her lose her behind her ear. "Please baby, I need to see you try." He stated.

Frances whined more but nodded, dropping her fork and using her left hand. She struggled picking it up for a couple of seconds before she was able to grab it. She got a piece of pancake and started to bring it to her mouth until the fork fell out of her hand and landed in her lap, getting syrup all over her.

Frances began to sob because of this.

"Oh, princess, it's okay." Alex assured, taking the fork and pancake out from her lap, getting up and throwing the fork in the sink, the pancake in the trash.

He got her another fork before going back, putting her in his lap. "We will get you changed after breakfast, sweet girl." He kissed her head and wiped her tears. "Here, lets finish breakfast." He stated, putting some pancake on the new fork and feeding it to Frances.

Frances calmed down as she ate, feeling better once she finished. Alex kissed her head several times, standing up and holding her on his hip. He grabbed the plate, putting it in the sink and rising it before he left with Frances to her room, changing her skirt into pants that also matched the purple top with the butterfly on it.

"You feel better, princess?" Alex asked, running his fingers gently through her hair.

Frances nodded and sniffled. "Do daddy have to go to work?" She asked, wanting to stay with him today.

Alex frowned and nodded. "Yes, honey. Daddy has to go to work. But I'm getting of early and I'll be with you at therapy." He explained.

Frances frowned, leaning onto her father. "But I want daddy to stay home." She sniffled.

"Daddy wants to stay home too, baby girl. He really does. But he has to go to work and make money so Frances can have all the toys she wants."

Frances sniffled and nodded, wiping her eye. "Daddy.." She whined.

"I know, honey, I know. But Fannie is gonna go to grandma's and have such a fun time! Grandma is so excited to see you, baby." Alex said, kissing her head again.

Frances nodded. "I love grandma." She mumbled.

"Grandma loves you, baby." Alex said, picking her up and setting her down. "Now come on, let's go see grandma." He smiled.

"Okay, daddy." Frances sniffled walking out to the garage with him. Alex picked her up and put her in his black SUV, strapping her in the car seat. He put her stuffed bunny beside her and kissed her nose.

"I love you so much, Fannie Bell." Alex smiled to her before shutting her door and getting in the drivers seat. He started the car, pressing the garage open button before backing up and heading the mile to his adopted parents place.

Sometimes, Frances would stay with her Aunt Peggy, but due to Peggy's job, she travelled a lot so her schedule was irregular. Mostly, she would stay with Martha Washington while Alex and George went to work.

Martha completely spoiled Frances. She thought she was just the most precious thing in the world and genuinely enjoyed spending almost every week day with her. She would be so upset when she started school.

"Oh, there's my honey bun!" Martha said, taking Frances from Alex's arms the second he walked to the door with her.

"Hello to you too, mom." Alex laughed, walking in and closing the door.

"Oh yes, yes, Hello to you, baby." Martha kissed his cheek.

Alex rolled his eyes, placing the baby bag on the couch. "I'll be here around two forty-five to take her to her physical therapist appointment." He explained, going up to them and tickling Frances's stomach.

"Bye, bye baby girl! I'll be here to get you in no time." Alex kissed her cheek several times as she giggled.

"Bye, bye Daddy!" Frances squealed, giggling. "I love you!"

"Oh, I love you too, baby girl!" Alex covered her cheek in kisses.

"Bye, mom. I'll see you later." Alex laughed, kissing her cheek as well.

"Bye, my darling. I'll see you later." Martha smiled, patting his cheek. Alex smiled before walking out of the house, sighing softly.

He got into his car, driving to work, with a short stop to get a coffee from Dunkin' before. He got out, adjusting his blazer and grabbing his brief case.

He smiled as he walked in, saying hello to a few people before going to his office, shutting the dor. He had several voicemails on his work phone, which wasn't surprising since he did take the weekend off in a way. He set his brief case down, sitting in his office chair and taking the calls. He lifted the phone and listened to the first message.

"Fuck!" Alex yelled, throwing his phone down in anger at the message. He put his hands in his hair, pulling it out of frustration.

"Is everything alright, Mr. Hamilton?" Alexander's assistant, Katherine Livingston, asked through the door.

"Yes, Kitty, I'm fine. Come in." Alex said, removing his hands from his hair and putting the phone back where it was supposed to be.

"Yes, sir?" Kitty said, walking in with the ipad held to her chest.

"I need you to cancel my meetings today. Move them to tomorrow or when the clients next available date is." Alex said, looking at his computer screen, beginning to type as he spoke.

"Alright, sir." Kitty nodded, watching Alexander and biting her lip. "Are you sure that is all I can help you with, sir." She said with a slight seductive turn.

"Yep, I'm sure." Alex stated, dismissing her flirtation as he always did.

Kitty swallowed hard and nodded, watching Alexander for a moment before leaving the room, shutting the door.

Alex shook his head, taking a break for a moment to call Martha. "Hey, mom. Look, one of my clients said they were guilty over the weekend so I have an emergency court hearing today."

Alex rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache coming on. "I need you to take Frances to therapy for me?" He asked.

"Oh, baby, of course! You don't work too hard." Martha said. She always worried about Alexander's work habits.

"I'll try." Alex sighed. "I might get done late, can you-" Alex started before he was interrupted.

"Fannie can just stay the night tonight, baby. You just keep your head up." Martha stated with a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow, baby."

"See you tomorrow, mom." Alex said before hanging up.

Alex sighed, pulling his hair, knowing how stressful the day would be.

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