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"This is going to get very... very messy today. And I'm going to... I'm going to let you know that there is a decent chance that you... that Philip won't be able to come home with you tonight." Alex said in the car. They were in front of the courthouse, not yet getting out of the car.

"What the fuck?! Why would you say that?!" John started freaking out now, already on edge.

"Look, Jay, I can't say for sure but it would have nothing to do with anything we know now. Your drug test came back clean, besides marijuana but they can't punish you for that since you're over 21. And nothing from the CPS visit is strong enough to take Philip away. It's just... we don't know what Martha has and if there are some things that make you look bad then the judge may make the decision to put Philip in foster care until a final decision is made." Alex explained.

"Fuck no! They can't- I can't-" John put his head in his hands. He was in full panic mode now, terrified at the thought of Philip not coming home to him.

"Jay, hey-" Alex moved in his seat so he was facing John. "Look at me," he grabbed his hand gently. "That's only a worse case scenario, okay? And it's not going to be for long if it does happen. It's going to... It's going to be okay." He promised, squeezing John's hand.

John moved his head, looking at Alex. "I can't lose him, Lex..." He said weakly.

"Come here." Alex held his arms out and held John, though it was awkward because of them being in the car.

Alex held John for a few minutes, just until they had to go in. John composed himself the best he could before walking in, taking a deep breath. Court soon began. Martha was first to give her testimony and provide her witnesses. This meant Alex was first to question her. He stood up when he was called, giving John a promising look, and walking to his spot with his notes in his hand.

And the hard part began.

"Ms. Manning, how long would you say you and John Laurens been together in total?" Alex started asking. He always started easy and then got to the harder questions.

"I'd say a total almost of two years, maybe a bit less." Martha answered.

"And how would you describe your relationship with Laurens?"

"In all honesty, it would be best described as a toxic. Messy. It was just all around... a terrible thing that I should have never been involved in."

"And why-what makes you describe it as that?"

"He... John got me to do things I never thought I would and not things that I need to do. I was good. I did everything right- never been in any kind of trouble but when I got with John- he took me to parties. We'd do drugs all the time. I was lucky to get out but I couldn't just leave my son so I kept returning until I knew I had the strength to leave and take Philip with me."

Alex nodded, knowingly. One thing that made him a good lawyer is he never asks questions he didn't know the answer to.

"So, you have stated now, twice, that Mr. Laurens was the one who introduced you to drugs and even stated how he still has this lifestyle and is on drugs, however both the urine test and the CPS visit show that he is not nor that he owns any in his home." Alex explained.

"Yes, however, I do have these photos-" Martha opened the folder in front of her and took out several photos. The judge was handed a copy as well as Alex.

He swallowed hard.

"The most recent of these was taken less than a month ago, the first week of May. In it, John Laurens is seen in the process of snorting a line of coke. You can see the date in the bottom corner. There is also a photo of his bedside table from when I lived in the home. This drawer- which isn't locked or out of reach of Philip- held several different types of drugs not legal in New York."

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