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"Aye, Lex." John said when the door opened back up and Alex and Frances walked in. "And aye, lil mama." He said to Frances, holding out his hand for a fist bump, to which Frances replied with giving one back.

"Hey, John." Alex smiled, setting the food on the counter. "I got you some Alfredo." He said, pulling out the different containers. He took note of John's eyes and demeanor. His eyes were puffy and he was slouching more than normal.

"Aw, you didn't have to do that." John said, actually feeling bad since he was about to ask him about something.

"Shh." Alex said, picking Frances up and holding her food. "Here, baby, I'm gonna let you eat in front of the tv tonight, okay?"

"Okay, daddy. I wanna watch Princess and the Frog!" Frances said.

Alex laughed softly and nodded. "Okay, princess. You can watch Princess and the Frog." He agreed, putting her down on the floor in between the couch and coffee table. He gave her the food before turning on the movie. He kissed her head before heading back to the kitchen where John was.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked, sitting next to John.

"I fucked up, Lex." John gulped, shaking his head. "I fucked up so bad." He said, putting his head in his hands.

"How? What happened?" Alex asked, putting a comforting hand on John's back.

John flinched a bit when Alex touched his back. It was right where he had a bad bruise from his and Martha's final fight.

"Me and Martha split and she's trynna take Philip from me." John shook his head. "And I don't know what to do cause I ain't got a lawyer or money but I can't lose him, Lex. That's my boy. I can't- I can't lose him."

"Oh, Jay." Alex frowned. "Look, I'll be here for anything you need. Anything at all." He said, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. John flinched a bit.

John nodded softly, moving Alex's hand from his shoulder. He put Alex's hand in his own, leaning his head on his shoulder. "Thank you, Lex. Thank you so much." He mumbled.

Alex stood there a moment before moving away and sitting next to John. "Now, I'm going to have to file this at work. Once you've been served, come to my office as soon as possible. All we can really do right now is talk. I need to know any information you have against her. Now, in the State of New York, courts tend to favor mothers but I think the fact that she hasn't been a stable part of his life will help you. Really, we need to talk to Lafayette. He does a lot more family court than I do."

John nodded, taking it in. "Okay- okay, when can we see him?" He asked.

Alex shrugged a bit. "He is currently taking a break to see his family for a couple weeks since they just got back from France. I will talk to him though. I'm sure he will help."

John nodded. "Now, I have done a few family cases and they can get nasty- I'm going to just play this safe and say Martha will. You'll need witnesses to testify about her being a bad mother. Has she done anything that can prove this? Besides her leaving?" He asked.

"Well she gets mad easily and yells and she throws shit and..." John paused, debating on saying the big one.

"And?" Alex asked, raising a brow when John was taking a while.

"And... and nothin." John said. "That's it." He finished.

Alex was suspicious. But he wouldn't press John just yet. "Alright, but remember, John, this case could be very close. And without you saying everything, you may lose him." He explained.

John swallowed hard, debating again. He sat there, looking down for a moment.

"Okay but it's embarrassing, Lex. I don't want- I don't want no one thinkin less of me." He explained, keeping his head down.

"Jay, I'm never going to look down on you." Alex said softly, putting a comforting hand on John's back, to which he saw him wince.

"Every time I touch your shoulder, you flinch or wince... are you hurt? Was Martha hurting you?" Alex asked, worried now.

"She just- sometimes I'd make her so mad, ya know? I wouldn't leave her alone and she'd get mad and push me a lil." John explained quickly.

"Show me your back, John." Alex said.

"Okay but Lex- I messed with her-" John started again.

"John, right now, please just..." he stopped for a moment, remembering Frances was just a room away.

"Come with me." He finally finished, standing up. John paused a moment before nodding and following Alex to his bedroom. He was clearly nervous.

Alex took John to his room, shutting the door when they were both there. He didn't want Frances to walk in.

"Show me." He said, standing in front of John.

John hesitated but nodded. He took off his shirt, still clearly nervous.

"Oh Jay..." Alex tried not to gasp. He knew it would be bad but that didn't mean it didn't upset him to see.

"I didn't... I don't want anyone to think less of me. I don't wanna be less of a man." John tried not to cry but was clearly failing. The last few days had been really emotional for him.

"Jay..." Alex said quietly, moving closer to John and gently putting his face in his hands and having him look up at him. "You're not less of a man. Especially not for this. And me, nor anyone, shouldn't and won't ever think less of you for this." He said softly, wiping a tear of John's with his thumb.

John closed his eyes, moving his head and putting it in the crook of Alex's neck and holding his forearm gently.

"I shoulda never gotten back with her. I should a stayed with you." John sniffled, crying softly.

Alex put his face in John's hair. "It's okay, jay. It's all going to be okay."

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