30. (Epilogue)

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"You sure you gonna be aight today?" John asked, looking over at Alex in the kitchen as he sipped his coffee. 

"Yeah, I'll be okay." Alex assured, putting his to go cup down. He walked over and kissed John's cheek. "Are you going to be okay with all this studying?" He laughed. 

"Yeah, I'll manage." John laughed. "Might take a break and me and lil man will go get some lunch before he goes to his mamas." He smiled as Alex sat next to him. 

Alex nodded. "Sounds good. "I'll probably grab something with Frances after we get done. We usually go get Olive Garden afterwards. Are you gonna cook dinner tonight?" 

"Depends. Is lil mama stayin tonight?" John asked, closing his text book. 

Alex shrugged. "I'll ask and text you." He said, turning to face John. "Now give me a kiss, you are much too far away." 

John smiled, leaning over and kissing Alex, putting a hand on his upper thigh. 

Alex smiled and kissed back before pulling away. "I love you." He mumbled, pecking his lips. 

"I love you, shawty." John laughed against his husbands lips. 

"Okay, dad, I'm ready." Frances said, coming down the stairs. 

Alex coughed a bit and pulled away. "You look beautiful, baby girl." He smiled, getting up and kissing her head. 

"Thanks." Frances smiled, hugging her father for a moment. 

"Aye, lil mama. You staying here tonight?" John asked, turning in the chair. 

"No, I have a party tonight so I'll probably just stay with a friend." Frances explained. 

"That's dope, just call if somethin happens." John said, sipping a coffee. 

Frances smiled and nodded. 

"Where's lil man?" He asked. 

"Probably still asleep. That's all he does all day." Frances laughed. 

"Hey, I do not sleep all day!" Philip said, coming down the stairs. 

"You do- just like your father." Alex said, laughing. 

"And you two don't get enough sleep so lil man and I are doing it right." John said. He still called Philip 'lil man' even though he was just as tall as him.

"Okay, babygirl." Alex started with a laugh. "Are you ready to go?" 

"Yeah, I'm ready." Frances said, grabbing her purse. "Philip- are you going to your moms tonight?" 

"Yeah." Philip stated non chantey. 

"Okay, then I'll see you tomorrow night." Frances said, giving him a hug. 

"Aight, bye Frances." Philip said, hugging her back. 

"Bye, babe." Alex said, pecking John's lips. "Bye kid." He said to Philip, both of which said bye back as Frances and Alex left. 

"Lil man, you still cool staying the night at your moms? You know you ain't gotta anymore if you don't wanna." John said. He said it a lot recently, not wanting Philip to feel obligated to see his mom if he didn't want to.  

"I'm fine, Pops. Mom gets all bitchy when I don't." Philip laughed. 

"Just remember you don't gotta. I know how bitchy she can be so I can handle her if you want." John assured with a laugh. 

Philip nodded. "What're you studying?" He asked, looking at the textbook in front of John. 

"I got midterms for my last semester of nursin school comin up, lil man! Then I got my degree so I'm gonna study." 

"I'm proud of you, Pops." Philip smiled. 

"Aye, I'm supposed to say that to you!" John laughed. "But thank you." 

"Now go get ready for your moms." 

Philip nodded, doing just that.


Alex sat with Frances on the grass. "You know, the older you get, the more you're like her. Granted, you are a lot like me. A lot. But the older you get, you're more like her." He explained. 

"It's odd... I have some memories but I don't remember much." Frances said, looking at the flowers in her hand. 

"Well, it was pretty traumatic for you. You didn't only lose your mom that day, you were really injured. I'm thankful every day that you're still here with me." Alex smiled, putting an arm around her. 

"Oh, mi mariposa. You're so special. And your mom would be so proud of you." Alex kissed her head. 

"I hope so." 

"I know so, mi amor." Alex smiled. 

"Time is weird. It doesn't feel like it should be 13 years." Frances mumbled, leaning on her father.

"Tell me about it." Alex laughed bitterly. "Especially since I have so many memories. It's just... it's odd." 

"I think mom would like John. And Philip." Frances said softly.

Alex smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I think so too. I think she'd love them both just as much as I do." 

"Wish you guys would've had a better wedding though." Frances joked. 

"Hey, our wedding was nice." Alex laughed. "We didn't need much. Just our friends and family." 

"I guess if that's enough for you." Frances laughed, sniffling a bit. 

"Are you alright, baby?" Alex asked, looking down at Frances. 

"Yeah, dad. I'm okay." Frances smiled. 

"I'm going upstairs to change then I'm gonna go." Frances said, walking in the house with Alex, who was carrying their leftovers. 

"Alright, baby. Have fun tonight. Text us if you need anything." Alex smiled, kissing her head before she left to walk upstairs. 

"Bye, lil mama." John said from his spot on the couch, trying to study again. 

"Bye, John." Frances replied as she went upstairs. 

"Philip at his moms?" Alex asked, moving and sitting on the couch with John. 

"Yeah. Martha came out and talked for a bit." John said, putting his book down and opening his arms so Alex would lay on him. 

"Yeah? What'd she want?" Alex asked, doing as John wished and laying on his husband. 

"Just talkin. She got a new boyfriend, I guess." John shrugged. "I think she's still trynna make me jealous." He laughed.

"Well, is it working?" Alex asked with a hum. 

"Yeah, didn't you know? I'm still in love with her and planning to leave you to get back with her. Ya know, for Philip's sake." John said, jokingly. 

"Okay but I get the dog in the divorce." Alex jokingly said back. They didn't even have a dog. 

"Aight." John laughed. "Nah, you make me so happy." He smiled, putting his face in the back of Alex's head. 

Alex moved his face up so he was looking at John. "No kid, wanna go up to the bedroom?" 

"Ya know I do." John smiled, moving with Alex and beginning to walk up the stairs before Alex grabbed John's hand, turning him around. He lifted up and gave John a kiss. 

"I love you. So much." 

"I love you more." John smiled, giving his husband a kiss. 

And they were happy. And life was good. You could even say, lovely. 

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