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Alex smiled as he watched the man next to him sleep, snoring softly. It had been a month since the barbeque and during that month, he had been the happiest he had been in a long time. John was making him happy.

They weren't dating, just hooking up, but it's like they were. John came over a lot and Alex would stay at John's place from time to time too. They're conversations were nice and if Alex ever got emotional, John would hold him. Alex appreciated that.

"Hey, wake up." Alex said softly, gently shaking John.

"Mmm, why?" John mumbled not opening his eyes.

"Cause you gotta leave." Alex laughed.

John whined, wrapping his arms around Alex tightly and putting his head under the other chin. "But I wanna just stay right here." He mumbled against Alexander's neck.

Alex laughed, running his fingers through John's curls. "I'd much rather you stay right there too. But you need to go before Frances wakes up. And you gotta go get Philip from your moms."

"Mmm," John mumbled, leaving a couple kisses against Alexander's neck. "I hate having responsibilities." He said, moving his head and looking at Alex now.

Alex laughed softly and nodded. "Yeah, so do I. But we do." He continued running his finger through his hair. He looked down at John, who was shorter because of their position in the bed. Alex placed a kiss on his lips.

John hummed against his lips. "Better to wake up to that." He smiled and Alex did so too. John gave Alex another quick kiss before rolling out from the other side of the bed. He stood up, stretching for a moment before putting his clothes on from work the night before. Usually, that's when their hookups took place, after John finished his shift at the bar. Due to John's late night shifts and Alex's insomnia, it was perfect time for them both.

"I'll text you later, Lex." John said, planting one more kiss before heading his own way out.

Alex sighed, rolling over onto his back and staring at the ceiling for a minute. After a minute, he got up, walking and taking a shower. After his shower, he got ready for work, taking his medicine and putting his suit on.

After he was dressed, he went to Frances's room and knocked before coming in. "Good morning, princess." He smiled, walking over to where she was playing. She tended to wake up herself and play quietly until Alex woke up. Somedays, she would get annoyed and come in his room and make him get up.

"Daddy!" Frances squealed happily, running and hugging her father.

Alex laughed and smiled, picking Frances up and holding her close. "My baby!" He said, kissing her head. "What does my precious girl want for breakfast today?"

"Umm... Donuts!" Frances said.

"Mmm, a donut does sound very yummy. Well, lets get you dressed and then we can go get Fannie Bell some breakfast." Alex hummed, tickling her stomach.

Frances giggled and nodded. Alex helped her pick out a matching outfit, letting her get dressed herself since she was getting to the age where she needed to learn. he had to help her with some parts, but for the most part, she did great.

Alex brushed her hair, putting it in bun she wanted. He packed her bag, since she had dance later, and got his brief case before walking out the door with Frances. He stopped by Dunkin' Donuts, also wanting a coffee.

"Do you want a pink donut with sprinkles or donut holes, baby girl?" Alex asked, looking at her through the rearview mirror.

"Umm... both!" Frances said, kicking her legs.

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