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John was woken up by Philip jumping on his chest.

"Oh god!" John yelped, it hurting him a bit.

"Papa wake up!" Philip squealed, smiling. "It's papa and Pippy day!"

John rubbed his eyes, yawning a bit. "Sunday already?" He mumbled, looking over at his phone in under the pillow.

"Yeah!" Philip clapped, excited for the day.

John worked several jobs, which meant him and Philip wouldn't get much time together in the day. Because of this, John made sure he didn't work Sunday's and he'd spend that entire day with his son.

John laughed tiredly, sitting up. "Aight, lil man, what do you wanna do today?" He mumbled, moving Philip down so he could get up.

"Umm..." Philip thought, hugging his dinosaur. "The park!" He exclaimed.

John got up, moving and going to his dresser. He put on some ripped jeans and a shirt. He then put on his socks. "Sounds good, kid. Come here." He said, picking him up when he ran over.

Philip giggled when he was picked up. John kissed his head and went back to the dresser, grabbing him a pair of shorts and a shirt. He laid him down, changing his clothes with much laughter from the child. He then put Philip in some Jordans, as well as putting some on himself.

"Damn, lil man. You look fire." John said, picking him up.

Philip laughed and clapped.

"Want some eggs?" John asked him, knowing he only ate a few select foods.

"Yes!" Philip said, holding his dinosaur close.

John sat him down in his crib, giving him his phone and turning on the videos he liked to watch, even if John thought they were stupid.

He went to the little kitchen area, taking the eggs from the fridge, as well and cheese and milk. He grabbed a few seasoning and began to make scrambled eggs for them both.

As he was cooking, John also made Philip chocolate milk and made himself a protein shake.

He finished his cooking, putting the eggs on one plate for them to share. He went and picked him up, sitting him on the counter and standing in front of him so he wouldn't fall.

"Here, kid." John said, taking the phone and giving him his chocolate milk.

They are, John feeding Philip until he said he was done, which wasn't much into the food. Philip was still very small so he mostly ate in small increments throughout the day.

"Aight," John started, wiping Philip's face with a wet napkin. "Let's go to the park." He laughed, picking him up.

John put headphones on Philip so he wouldn't get overwhelmed on the streets, playing some rap music for him.

Once at the park, John rolled his eyes at the other parents. He didn't care for them and Philip didn't care for their kids either.

John saw one parent he hadn't seen before sitting at a bench alone. There was one little girl playing in the area in front of the bench, which Alex assumed was his kid.

"Aight, lil man, we'll go over there." John said, walking over to the area and putting Philip down to go play.

John went and sat next to the parent, who was in between reading a book and watching his kid.

"Aye, I'm John. Saw you sittin here and you look like less of a cunt than them other parents so ima just sit here and let my kid play with yours." John said. There was an awkward silence.

"Other parents are rude so I see why you are sitting alone. They all act better than me and are all stuck up and shit. It's mad annoying."

"I just realized that you probably sat here to be alone- shit, sorry." John went to get up but the man touched his arm.

"No, you were talking shit on the other parents. I like that. You can stay." He said, smiling. "I'm Alex." He hummed, putting his book down.

"What's up, Lex!" John smiled. "Ima call you Lex." He said.

Alex rolled his eyes. "Usually I go by Alexander." He explained.

"Nah, Lex is better." John explained.

"Is that your little boy?" Alex asked, pointing to the kid who was pretty much John's twin.

"Yeah! That's lil man!" John laughed. "That's my lil homie."

Alex laughed. "He's quite precious." He smiled. "That little girl is mine. Her name is Frances."

John looked at her. "She looks like you." He said.

"Yeah- she looks a lot like me." Alex laughed.

"She does." John laughed. "What do you do?"

"I'm a lawyer." Alex hummed. "I work at the law firm on 52nd street."

"That's dope. So you're all smart and shit?"

Alex laughed. "Yes, I've been told I'm quite intelligent."

"What about you? What do you do?"

"I work at a gas station, a burger joint, and I'm a bartender." John said.

"Oh." Alex nodded. "How old are you, if you don't mind me asking."

"twenty three" John said. "You?" He asked

"Thirty two." Alex said before seeing both the kids run up to them.


"Princess!" Alex laughed, picking her up and putting her in his lap.

"Can Pippy come and get ice cream with us?" Frances asked, bouncing in his lap. She had bad adhd.

"Oh, that's up to his dad, baby." Alex laughed.

"Papa! Please!" Philip asked.

"Sure thing, lil man! You know papa loves ice cream." John said.

"Yay!" Both the kids giggled and cheered.

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