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"Aye, Herc! My man!" John greeted on the phone, trying to get ready for work.

"John, my man!" Hercules said back. "What's up? Wanna smoke?"

"You know I do-" John laughed. "But nah, I need a favor man. My mama's sick and I need someone to watch lil man." He said.

Herc sucked in through his teeth. "You know I would, fam, but I can't. I got dinner with Beth's parents." He shook his head. "I'd rather be watching lil man. Sorry, John."

"Oh, it's alright." John laughed. "Have fun with them in laws, man."

"I won't." Hercules laughed. "See you later, man."

"Later, man." John said before hanging up and calling another friend.

"Maria! Aye, mami!" John said as she answered. "I need a favor."

"I'm listening?" Maria said, painting her nails.

"Can you take lil man tonight? Mama's sick and Herc's busy."

"I would. You know he's my buddy, but I gotta work. Sorry, John." Maria frowned. She loved seeing Philip when she could.

"It's alright, Ri. I'll bring him over in the next couple days. Thanks anyway, mami."

"Of course, John." Maria said, hanging up.

John sucked in a breath, pulling his hair a bit. There weren't many people Philip would stay with.

John thought for a moment before he called one last person.

"Alexander Hamilton speaking." Alex answered, sitting in his home office.

"Aye, Lex!" John smiled.

"Hello, John." Alex said, stopping from his work and leaning back in his seat.

"Listen, hottie, my momma's sick and everyone is busy so I need someone to watch lil man. Can you take him for me?" John asked.

"Um, yeah, yeah that's fine." Alex nodded. "Is he staying the night or are you gonna get him after work?"

"Well, I get off at two am so it's up to you." John said.

"It doesn't matter. I'll still be up." Alex laughed. "I barely sleep."

John laughed and nodded. "Aight, I'll pick him up. Thank you, Lex. Seriously, means a lot."

Alex smiled softly. "Don't mention it. See you soon." He hummed.

"See you soon." John smiled before hanging up. He went to Philip's crib, picking up up. "Aight, lil man. Guess what?"

"What?" Philip asked, holding his dinosaur.

"You're gonna go to Lex and Fannie's house from the park while papa goes to work." John explained.

"Okay papa." Philip said, laying his head on John's shoulder as he packed a bag for him.

John got him ready and put his headphones on before leaving the apartment and getting on the subway to head to Alexanders home. John had gone over there once to drop off something Frances had left at the park so he knew the place. Once there, John knocked on the door, holding Philip on his hip.

After a few minutes, Alex opened the door, Frances beside him.

"Hey, you two." Alex smiled, allowing them in.

"Hey, I can't stay long. I'm already running late and the bar is back in my neighborhood." John explained, walking in and putting the bag down.

"Aight, lil man. I'll be back after you go to bed." John said, kissing his head. "Okay, papa. Love you!" Philip said, hugging him. "Love you too, Pip." John said, setting the child down.

"Thank you again, lex." John smiled. "I'll be here about two thirty." He assured.

"Of course. I'll be here." Alex smiled and waved as he left.

"Alright kids, why don't we get some pizza and watch some movies." Alex asked, bending down to their level.

"Yes!" Frances squealed. Philip giggled and nodded, holding his dinosaur.

Alex set the kids up with a movie, calling in a pizza for the both of them. He sat in the room with them, working on his laptop on the case he had been given at work.

The night was relaxing. The kids watched The Croods and then Wreck-It Ralph. Frances was leaning on Alex's side, almost asleep. Philip was watching the movie, holding dinosaur. Once the second movie ended, Alex turned off the television.

"Okay, babies. It's getting late. How about you two go lay down?" Alex said, putting his laptop on the coffee table. "Philip, you're gonna sleep in Fannie's room, okay?"

"Okay," Philip mumbled quietly, sucking on his thumb.

Alex took the kids to bed, not much arguing from Frances since she genuinely was tired. Sometimes, bed time caused a big tantrum to be thrown.

"Night, princess." Alex kissed Frances's head. "Night, buddy." Alex smiled to Philip before turning and plugging in the night light. He left the room, running his hands through his hair.

He went downstairs, turning on the coffee pot, despite the hour. He went to the living room, grabbing his laptop once again and bringing it to the kitchen. Alex sat at the bar, working on his case and drinking a cup of coffee. Around nine, John texted him, asking if everything was okay and Alex replied that it was.

John laughed with the customer as he poured the drink, music blaring. It was almost two, the time he got off and he couldn't be more ready. Usually, Philip called John before bed and he didn't, so he was kind of worried. He trusted Alex but that Philip almost always called before he went to bed, especially when he stayed at a new place.

He was ready when he was told he could leave. He gathered his tips and grabbed himself a soda to take with him before leaving the bar and going to the subway. It was late so the subway was mostly filled with homeless people and drunks but John didn't mind. He gave a few dollars to a man sitting in the station and gave his soda to a woman. He got on the subway, sitting in one of the few empty spots, leaning back a bit and closing his eyes. He wasn't tired, necessarily, just sort of worn out.

Once it got to the stop closest to Alexander's house, John got off and began to walk to the place. Alex's house was quite nice, John had to admit. He had only been inside for a maximum of fifteen minutes but from what he had seen, Alex lived in a nice home.

John knocked on the door when he got there, hearing some shuffling before Alex answered. He smiled to Alex when he opened the door. "Hey, Lex." He hummed, walking in. "was lil man okay?"

"Yeah, he was wonderful." Alex said, shutting the door. "He was really easy to put to bed and ate dinner fine."

"He went to bed easy? Usually he cries and wants to call me first." John laughed.

"Really? He was so easy." Alex laughed. "How was work?" He asked.

"Tiring and busy." John laughed softly, sitting at the bar in the kitchen. "You tired?" He asked.

Alex shook his head. "Not really. I don't sleep much, never really needed it." He shrugged.

John smirked a bit, moving out of the seat and putting his hands on Alexander's hips. "I could tired you out."

Alex rolled his eyes. "You're quite cocky, John." He said.

"Besides," Alex began, taking a piece of hair off John's black polo. "I don't think you could."

John stepped back, looking offended. "Since you seem so sure, why don't ya let me prove you wrong."

"You really think you can?" Alex asked, looping his fingers through John's belt loops.

"I do, shawty." John stated.

"Well then maybe I'll let you try,"

"Oh Yeah?"

"Yeah," Alex hummed, moving his lips closer to John's.

John smirked, closing his eyes and kissing Alex, not wasting a second.

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