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"Fuck! Fuck! Fucking bullshit!" John yelled, kicking the counter but just hurting himself as a result.

"Hijo! Calm down!" Eleanor said, going over to John and putting her hands on his arms.

"I can't, mama! I can't! I can't- I can't lose him!" John let out a small sob. He had been very emotional the last two days, since he found out Martha was going to try and take Philip away.

"I know, baby, I know. Come here." Eleanor put his arms around him, putting a hand on his head and pulling it down to her shoulders.

John wrapped his arms around his mom and sobbed.

He tried to speak but Eleanor stopped him, just holding him until he calmed down from his sobbing.

They sat on the couch and John put his head in his hands. "I-I don't know what to do, momma!"

"Look, hijo, first, we need to get a lawyer." Eleanor said. "Now, how much money do you have saved up? I don't have much but if we put our savings together, we may be able to get a good one."

John shook his head. "I don't have any-"

"You don't have any? How can you not have any, John!" Eleanor said, shocked and frustrated.

"I did have almost $5,000 but when Martha moved in, she used most of it!" John explained, shaking his head.

"Oh, hijo." Eleanor sighed, shaking our head. "Then we are going to have to take out a loan, just to afford a lawyer."

"Wait- wait! Lex is a lawyer." John sniffled, lifting his head. "Remember Alex, mama?"

"Was that the man with the daughter who came over that one time?" Eleanor asked.

"Yeah!" John said. "Shit- I forgot about him. I gotta call him." John stood up and grabbed his phone.

"Look, hijo, go talk to him in person. I can watch Philip for a while."

John nodded. "Thank you, mama." He said, kissing her cheek before taking his phone and scrolling through the contacts until he found Alex's. He took a deep breath before calling it. It had been a while.

"Shit-" Alex whispered to himself as he opened the oven, seeing the burnt lasagna- if you could even call it that. Frances had wanted to cook with him, since she always helped Eliza in the kitchen, but Alex couldn't even make a freeze and bake pizza without messing it up so this clearly didn't go well. Not only was it burnt, but the lasagna was pretty much falling apart.

Alex turned off the oven and took it out, not wanting to cause too much smoke in the kitchen.

"Oh no!" Frances gasped.

"Yeah, I messed it up. Sorry, Fannie bell." Alex laughed awkwardly.

"It's okay, daddy. I still love you." Frances said, standing up in her seat.

Alex smiled, going over and kissing her nose. "Thank you, baby." He said. "What do you want to order for dinner, mi mariposa?"

"Umm... Olive Garden!" Frances said, jumping up a bit and almost falling off her chair but Alex had his arm around her so she was alright.

"Okay, princess. I'll get some olive garden." Alex smiled and gave her a kiss before putting her down. "Go play."

Frances giggled and nodded before running off. Alex shook his head, laughing softly. He sat down on the seat she was sitting in and getting on his phone. He went to order online when he got a call from John. Alex gave a hum of surprise, taking moment before answering.

"Hey." Alex smiled through the phone.

"Aye, Lex. Listen, I got a big problem and I really need you right now." John said, sounding a bit exasperated.

Alex shook his head, this coming out of no where. "Okay, okay. I'm ordering mine and Frances's dinner now. You are free to come over."

"Okay, okay. Thank you. So, so much." John said.

"Do you want me to order you something?" Alex asked.

"Nah, I'm good. Thank you, Lex. I'll be over in a minute." John said. "Bye, Lex."

"Bye, John. I'll see you in a bit." Alex smiled before hanging up. He went back to ordering his food, deciding to get John something anyways. When they were sleeping together, Alex got to know what foods John liked since he'd sometimes go downstairs and eat any left overs.

Alex hummed, going to the couch where Frances had made herself comfortable. "What are you doing, baby?" He laughed, seeing her jumping from side to side.

"I want a trampoline, daddy!" Frances squealed as Alex sat down and her jumping from across the couch, onto him.

"Ow!" Alex laughed, shaking his head. "I think you need one for all your extra energy."

Frances giggled and nodded.

"Maybe for your birthday, princess." He smiled.

"Does your arm feel good? It's not hurting?" Alex asked, holding her arm with the brace on it.

"Yes, daddy!" Frances said.

"Good! We have a doctors appointment tomorrow, okay, honey." Alex said, rubbing her back.

"Yes, daddy!" Frances said. The two watched tv before Alex texted John that he was getting the food and that he had a key in a dead plant outside.

Alex held Frances's hand and walked out to the car with her. He picked her up, buckling her in her car seat and giving her a kiss on the nose before he closed the door and got in himself. He started, turning on some music that Frances enjoyed. He took in a deep breath before he began to drive.

"Shake it off! Shake it off!" Frances sang, bopping her head in the back. Alex smiled as he listened to her sing in the back. He was happy. Things were good.

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