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"That was dope." John said, breathing a little heavy.

Alex nodded, looking at his ceiling. "Yes. Yes, it was." He agreed.

The room reeked of sex. The sheets barely covered the both of them and the room was dark, due to the four a.m. night sky.

"Can me and Pip stay the night? I'm kinda tired." John said, looking over at Alex.

"Oh you're tired?" Alex mused. "I thought you were going to tired me out?" He hummed, moving and hovering on top of John.

John rolled his eyes playfully. "Are you tired?"

"I am." Alex laughed.

John smiled dopey and rolled his eyes. "Then I did my job." He said, moving up and kissing Alex. Alex hummed in delight, letting it last a moment before moving and laying next to John in the bed.

"Goodnight, John." Alex hummed, moving some hair out of his face.

"Night, Lex." John smiled, pecking his lips before turning and closing his eyes.

Alex smiled, closing his eyes and finally getting some rest.

The rest didn't last long because around six thirty, there was screaming from Frances's room. Alex jumped up, rushing to the room. He burst in, both of the kids crying now.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Alex said, rushing to their sides.

"Philip woke me up, daddy!" Frances sobbed, hitting Philip's side, which only made him cry more.

"I want Papa!" Philip cried as John came in the room, wide awake from the children's crying.

"Aye, lil man, I'm here." John said, picking Philip up. He rubbed his back gently, walking out of the room to take care of his son.

Alex side, sitting in the bed next to Frances and putting her in his lap.

"I know you were annoyed, baby, but you can't just hit others." Alex explained about her hitting Philip earlier.

"He woke me up!" Frances sobbed, leaning onto Alex's chest.

"I know, princess, but it wasn't nice. You need to apologize to Pippy." Alex said, rubbing her back gently. Frances just nodded, still sobbing.

Alex leaned back against her bed frame, running his fingers through her hair. "Baby, why don't you close your eyes and go back to sleep, hm?"

Frances nodded and sniffled, closing her eyes as she laid against Alexander's chest.

Philip had his head on John's shoulder, sucking his thumb. He was sniffling softly from his fit, not wanting to let go of his father.

"Do you wanna go home, Pip?" John asked, rocking with him a bit.

Philip shook his head. "Go to Nana's." He sniffled.

John frowned. "Nana's sick right now." He explained.

"I want Nana!" Philip started to whimper and sitting up in John's arms.

John held back a sigh. "I know, lil man, but you can't be gettin sick." He said.

"Nana!" Philip started to cry again.

"Aye, aye, don't cry. Don't cry." John started to bounce him to calm him down. It didn't work and in a matter of seconds, Philip was back to full on sobbing, hitting John's shoulder.

"Okay, Okay, Let's go to Nana's." John said, taking his phone out and sitting on Alex's bed, Philip in his lap. He leaned over and grabbed his pants off the floor, where they landed after he and Alex hooked up last night, taking out his cellphone.

"Nana!" Philip continued to cry as John pressed her contact. John knew she was up since his younger siblings had school.

"what is it, John." His mom answered after a few rings, sounding stuffy.

"Nana!" Philip cried, taking the phone when he heard Eleanor's voice.

"Oh my baby!" Eleanor said when she heard Philip, frowning. "What's wrong, mi amor."

"Miss Nana!" Philip cried to the phone.

"Mama, are you feelin any better?" John asked, rubbing Philip's back.

"Si, hijo. I feel good to take my boy." Eleanor explained.

"Mama, you can't be tiring yourself out. You don't gotta-" John started before he was interrupted.

"I am fine, John. I want to see my baby." Eleanor said.

"For real, mama-"

"I'm fine, Johnathan." Eleanor said once again.

John sighed softly. "Okay, mama. I'll bring lil man over in a bit."

"Thank you. Nana will see you in a bit, baby boy!" Eleanor smiled, excited to see her grandson.

Eleanor and Philip were very close. He was her first grandchild, so naturally, she spoiled him. In all honesty, Philip was very attached to not only John, but Eleanor as well. With his mother continuously coming and going, they were the only stable things in his life. They were always there so after not seeing either of them for too long, he would freak out and cry for them.

When John told Eleanor he had gotten Martha pregnant, she felt like she was going to have a heart attack. Not only did Eleanor hate Martha with a passion, she knew John wasn't ready for a child. He was only twenty at the time and he very much so acted like it. He was always smoking and drinking. He was living like a college student.

When he told her they were going to keep Philip, Eleanor was very worried. She knew it wouldn't be good, knowing Martha would be a terrible mom and John just hadn't grown up yet. She knew she couldn't day much, since she did have John at seventeen, but she was worried.

When John came over the night Martha had left the first time, Eleanor had grown a hatred for the girl stronger than before. Even if John was twenty one, he cried to his mom all night.

'Aight, let me get dressed first, lil man." John said, sitting Philip on the bed and putting on his pants and the black polo he had to wear for work last night. Philip sat on the bed, sucking his thumb as he waited for John.

Once John finished, he picked Philip up and went back to Frances's room, quietly knocking on the door. He didn't get a response so he peeked in, seeing Alex and Frances asleep together so he shut the door, making a mental note to text Alex later.

He carried Philip out of the house, locking the door back before he went through it. "Aight, lil man. We gotta take the subway so it's gonna be kinda loud." John explained to Philip as they walked.

Philip nodded, laying his head on John's shoulder again, holding his stuff dinosaur that John had grabbed from Frances's room before they left.

They walked, the cold air hitting both of their faces as they walked to the subway station.

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