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"How was Frances today?" Adrienne asked as she prepped some of the food in the kitchen. The kids were running between outside and the living room.

"She's fine. She doesn't really understand it so it's just like another normal day to her." Alex shrugged, sitting at Thomas's bar as Adrienne prepped in front of him.

"She will when she's older, don't worry." Adrienne assured, looking behind Alex at the kids. "Anastasie, arrête de sauter sur ce canapé tout de suite!" She scolded to her daughter in the living room.

Adrienne and Lafayette had two kids together, a third on the way. Their oldest, Anastasie, was five and could speak both French and English. She was a bit of a trouble maker and her and Frances got in a lot of fights, due to their personalities crashing, but they were best friends.

Georges, their other child, was three. Even though he was young, he had to have everything cleaned and organized. He was always cleaning and wanting to help the adults. He was very emotional and would get an attitude very easily, usually getting him in trouble.

Adrienne was now four months pregnant with another daughter.

"Hey, Alex!" Peggy said, sitting next to Alex. Peggy was by far the youngest adult, being only 25 and only a year out of college.

"Hey, my girl." Alex smiled, turning towards her. Peggy and Alex had always been close. Ever since him and Eliza got together their last year of college. At that time, Peggy was just a junior in high school.

"How are you doing today?" Peggy asked, grabbing one of the sodas in the fridge.

Alex shrugged. "As good as I can be on a day like today." He smiled sadly.

Peggy frowned, patting his shoulder. "At least your with a bunch of your friends today." She said. "And don't you have a new boyfriend coming over?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

Alex smiled, rolling his eyes. "Absolutely not. He is just a guy I've been sleeping with."

"Sleeping with people and having no emotional connection is my thing, Hamilton. Get your own." Peggy said, punching his shoulder.

Alex laughed softly, He went to reply before there was a knock at the door. He went there, opening it and smiling to John, who was with two other people, a man and a woman.

"Aye, Lex!" John said, walking in when Alex allowed him and giving him a side hug with his free hand, holding Philip with the other.

Alex hugged him back on the side. "Hey, John. Who's this?" He asked to the two other people. "That's my man Herc and my girl Maria."

Alex greeted the other two and John put Philip down on the couch, next to the little girl who was around his age.

Alex introduced the three to everyone and since they were all pretty extraverted individuals, they joined right in- for the most part. John's group was much younger than the rest and did act like it. And their personalities were just a lot different than Alexander's friends.

"Aye, Lex," John leaned over in one of the chairs on the back porch, where all the adults were and some of the kids.

"Yeah?" Alex asked, looking at John who was sitting on the side of him.

"Can I smoke?" John whispered.

Alex shook his head. "Probably not a good idea. Some of them aren't very fond of it." He explained, sipping his beer.

"Ahh, aight." John said, moving and sitting back in his seat, grabbing a beer from the cooler. "You look extra hot today." He said to Alex as he opened his beer.

"Thank you." Alex smiled gently. Frances ran up to him, getting in his lap.

"Daddy!" Frances smiled, in a good mood.

"Fannie!" Alex smiled, holding her hips as she stood in his lap.

"I'm hungry." She said, rubbing her stomach.

"We're gonna eat real soon, baby girl." Alex said, kissing her nose.

Frances giggled and nodded, jumping off her fathers lap, falling a bit but she caught herself and ran back to her friends.

"Wanna hook up tonight?" John asked after Frances ran off.

Alex thought for a moment, eventually nodded. "I think I'll need that tonight. But can we do it at your place? Today's Eliza's death anniversary so I kind of don't want to be home." He laughed sadly.

"Oh shit- sorry, Lex. I didn't know." John said. "But yeah, we can at my place. But the kids probably shouldn't be there. Philip sleeps in a crib on the other side of my room."

"Oh.." Alex said. "Yeah, wouldn't want that." He laughed softly.

"My mama can watch them though." John said. "She raised five kids and loves lil man so I'm sure she'll love miss thing."

Alex laughed a bit and nodded. "Okay, that's fine. Will she mind?"

John shook his head. "Any second she gets with my boy she loves." He laughed. "But I'll ask."

Alex nodded, smiling and sipping his beer.

Everyone ate when it was done, the kids eating at a kids bench they had set up on the back patio and the adults just ate in their lawn chairs. Everyone was getting along, which Alex enjoyed because he was really liking John and wanted his friends to like him as well.

"Hercules, mon ami, Adrienne has a friend you should meet." Lafayette said, sitting at the end of his seat and talking to the man a couple seats away.

"Hm? Beth?" Adrienne asked, looking at her husband.

"Oui, amour." Lafayette smiled, putting his hand on her knee. "We could set up a double date. Would that be good, ami?" He asked Hercules.

"I- uhm, sure." Hercules shrugged, smiling a bit. Hercules, unlike John and Maria, actively searched for relationships but kept getting unlucky.

"Beth is so sweet. We work together in the school." Adrienne smiled.

"Alright, I think we are gonna go," Peggy said, throwing her plate away as well as Maria who was leaving with her.

"Aye, mami!" John said, to which Maria flipped him off. John just laughed in response.

"I think it's time you all get the fuck out of my house." Thomas chuckled, taking a sip of his beer before James gave him a look, telling him to shut his mouth.

"I'm gonna take a couple plates." Alex said, standing up and popping his back.

"We have to go plates in the kitchen. I can go get them." James said.

"No no, I've got it, James." Thomas said before getting up and going into the kitchen. He grabbed the plates before walking them to Alex, handing him them. "Here, ass hat." He said.

"Thanks, fucker." Alex said in return, grabbing two plates and filling them with food both him and Frances would eat. John followed, making him and Philip a couple as well.

"Come on, lil man." John said, picking him up. "You and Frances are gonna stay at Nana's." He explained, walking to the door, Alex and Frances behind him.

"Okay, Papa." Philip said, drinking a juice box Adrienne had given him. Alex drove them to Eleanor's house, taking a quick stop to get Frances some clothes and overnight things.

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