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John panted as he moved beside Alexander in the bed, looking at the ceiling.

"Fuck- I needed that." Alex panted, sweating a bit.

"Yeah?" John breathed with a small laugh, looking over to Alex.

Alex nodded in response. "Yeah" he mumbled.

John laughed, sitting up and leaning his back against the bed frame. "You care if I smoke?" He asked.

Alex shook his head, sitting up as well. "Dope." John said, leaning over and grabbing the joint from his pocket, as well as a lighter. He lit it and took a hit, breathing it in calmly. "Mmm, that's good shit. Want a hit?" He asked, offering it to Alexander.

Alex shook his head. "No, no, I don't smoke weed." He stated.

"You sure?" John asked, offering it to him again, getting the same shake of the head. "I'm sure, John." Alex laughed. John shrugged and took another hit.

"So what's got you so stressy?" John asked, smoking o's in the air.

"Just shit from work. And Frances's hand and all her therapy appointments. And just- it's coming up a year without Liz and it's kind of getting to me." Alex shrugged, frowning.

John frowned a bit. "Wanna talk bout it?" He asked.

Alex let out a breath, debating for a moment before nodding.

"I don't think I told you before but my wife, Liz, died in a car accident. Um, her and Frances had left to get some dinner because it was take out night and Frances wanted to go to Olive Garden. I-I was still at work when they left and I was going to meet them there." Alex let out a breath, feeling himself begin to cry. In response, John held his hand under the blanket.

"There was some idiot drunk on the rode and driving in the wrong lane. Eliza didn't even have a chance to brake before he slammed into her. She- uhm- was already gone when the first responders arrived." Alex wiped his eyes and John squeezed his hand a bit more, pressing the joint down to stop smoking and put it down.

"Frances had two major injures, one in her hand and one on her head." Alex explained. "She had ruined the nerves in her left hand when the impact happened and a piece of glass had deeply cut her head. She had to get ten stitches right here." Alex pointed to the back of his head, the spot where Frances got cut. "And she couldn't move her hand for so long. We've been going to physical therapy for a while and they thought she'd be at nearly a full recovery but she-she isn't near that."

"A-and she may never get there unless she h-has this surgery but the surgery could make it worse. And I-I just d-don't know what to d-do!" Alex let out a loud sob, breaking down.

"Aye, aye, come here." John pulled Alex to his chest, holding him close. He didn't say anything, not thinking Alex needed that right now.

All Alex needed was a good cry, and John understood that.

Alex woke up as the sun began to rise. He got around six hours of sleep, which was very, very rare for Alexander. He could smell John's natural scent as he breathed against his skin, a content smile against his face.

Alex didn't want to get out of bed. And for the first time in a while, it wasn't because of a sad reason. He was happy, genuinely happy.

He moved his head, looking up at John's face, calm looking as he slept. He let out some snores-not soft ones either, but Alex didn't mind.

"I'm beginning to fall for you, John Laurens. Faster than I should." Alex said softly to the sleeping man before laying his head back in his chest.

Alex eventually got up, needing to use the restroom. He did so before leaving to downstairs, only putting on a pair of boxers since him and John were still nude from the night before. No one else was in the house, just Alex and john, so Alex put on a cup of coffee and made himself one of the microwavable sausage and biscuits. He sat in the kitchen, opening his laptop and working as he ate.

Alex was so caught up in his work, he didn't even hear john come down the stairs. He jumped when he felt John squeeze his waist and bite his shoulder.

"Morning." Alex smiled, leaning back and sipping his coffee.

"Mmm." John hummed against Alex's shoulder in response, trailing his hand down to Alexander's crotch.

Alex made a small noise at the contact, not expecting it but definitely not minding. "You just got up and already horny?" He laughed softly.

"Mhm" John said, moving his head from the mark he was leaving on Alexander's shoulder. "I'm always horny."

"I've noticed." Alex laughed as John moved, sitting in the stool next to him.

"Before Philip's mom, I'd be fucking someone new everyday." John said. "Really surprised I never got an std." He laughed tiredly.

"Yeah, that's a lot of sex." Alex laughed softly.

"Yep." John said, taking a drink of Alexander's coffee. "Anyways, wanna fuck again?" he asked.

"As much as I do, I can't. I need to get Frances from her grandma's. I'm working from home today to spend some more time with her." Alex explained.

"Damn." John said. "Eh, that's chill. I should get lil man soon anyways." He laughed.

John got up, making himself a cup of coffee. He filled Alexanders up while he was at it, knowing he drinks multiple cups a day, adding a bit of sugar and cream in them both.

"You know how I like my coffee?" Alex asked, smiling gently.

"Yeah? we got coffee the other day together." John laughed softly.

Alex blushed a bit, hiding it with the mug.

"Oh, John, before you go," Alex started as they both walked towards the door.

"What was it you said about you dating?" He asked, not being able to remember.

"Oh, I don't really date, shawty. I'm into more a bachelor life, ya feel?" John said, standing in the door way.

"Oh, yes, I remember." Alex said, putting on a small smile.

"Text me, Lex." John said, kissing his lips for a moment. "Can't wait to do this again." He smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, you too."

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