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this chapter starts with a summary of Alex and Frances but then goes to John and Philip so make sure you read it all =p

"Tomorrow's the day. How is baby girl doing?" Thomas asked, in Alex's office as he got ready to leave.

"She's alright. I, on the other hand, am a nervous wreck." Alex chuckled softly, putting some papers in a folder, standing up to put them in his brief case.

"She's going to be fine. She is a strong girl." Thomas assured. "How long are you taking off?" He asked.

"Two weeks. The doctor said she's gonna be fully healed in ten days but I just want to make sure, you know." Alex said, grabbing his coat and walking out of his office with Thomas.

"Alright, well, text me updates while she's in surgery. Peter wanted to get her a gift so we got her a new doll and a blanket." Thomas said, walking out of the office building with Alex as they conversed.

"I will. She is going to be home tomorrow night. You guys can come over then." Alex assured.

"We will. I'll see you then, ass hat." Thomas said, getting to his and James's car, who was waiting outside.

"You too, dick wad." Alex smiled, waving to James before continuing the walk to his car.

Alex sighed as he got in his car, taking a moment to breath before starting it and driving towards his adoptive parents house, where Frances always stayed while he was working.

Honestly, Alex was very ready to see Frances. He was extremely nervous for the next day so he wanted to spend as much time with Frances as he could tonight.

He knocked on the door before entering, smiling as he heard Frances squeal "Daddy!" excitingly.

"Princess!" Alex laughed, picking her up as he ran to him. He covered her face in kisses as she giggled.

"I missed you so much!" Alex laughed.

"I missed you!" Frances giggled.

Alex sat for a moment, talking with Martha before they said their goodbyes. He let Frances pick wherever she wanted to eat for dinner. Then, they went to the park and Alex took her to seem some dancers, since she did love dance. After that, they got ice cream and went home, where Alex laid on the couch with Frances in his arms as they watched a movie.

"Fannie-Bell, you'll never know how much I love you." Alex said, kissing her head as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"I love you daddy." Frances said, very tired from the adventurous day. She had her cheek on Alexander's chest, watching as Alice in Wonderland was playing on the tv in front of her. She was nearly half asleep, which made sense due to the hour.

Alex smiled softly, keeping his little girl in his arms. He was nervous for the next day. He knew if anything happened to Frances, he wouldn't be able to go on. His world would be over.


"Jesus fucking Christ John!" Maria said as he took off his shirt.

"I know. My six pack is hot as fuck." John joked, laughing tiredly at himself.

Maria sighed, ignoring him. "Here, Philip. Watch some tv, baby." She said, turning on a cartoon for him.

"Okay, Ri." Philip said, sniffling and laying down on the couch as he watched.

"And you..." Maria turned around and looked at John. "This did not happen from you falling." She said.

John leaned his head back like he was dying. "Yes, it did, Ri." He assured. "Can ya just doctor me up like you did the other day?"

"No. You gonna need stitches. You gotta go either to the ER or your mama's. She's a nurse so she can help you." Maria said, running his hand gently along one of the wounds.

"nah, I can't do that, mami. My mama will just worry and ya know the ER gets all in yo business." John said, waving his arms. "Can't you just like bandaid like the other day?"

"John, the other day you came with mostly bruising. You got cuts now. Deep ones. You gotta go to the hospital." Maria said, sitting beside him. "I'll take you but you gotta tell me what happened. I know it ain't from you fallin."

"It is! I fell on one of them lamps next to my bed, ya know? I tripped on lil mans toy." John said, being pretty defensive.

"I've been through abuse, I know the signs, John." Maria said.

"I ain't being abused!" John said, standing up.

"John! You've had more bruises in the last three weeks than in your life! And you have the most overused excuses for your bruises!" Maria exclaimed.

"Alright! Sometimes me and Martha get in fights and she'll push me or hit me but it ain't abuse! I ain't trapped!" John argued, getting annoyed.

"You are! Martha's been emotionally abusing you since college and now she's physically abusing you and you're just letting it happen? What if she does something to him? What if she hurts Philip!" Maria was getting mad.

"That won't happen. She hasn't been alone with lil man for a while. He's been at work with me or my mama." John said.

"Then why are you with her?"

John sighed and sat back down, putting his hands in his hair. "I can't take Philip away from his mama. I mean, I don't even know what I'd do without mine. And I never really knew my dad and that hurt me. And i don't want lil man to go through that." He explained.

Maria stayed quiet for a moment before nodding. "I get it, John, I do. But this isn't worth it. You give him enough love for two parents. You don't need someone who hurts you." She explained.

"And I know I can't get you to leave her but if I even think she touched Philip, I'm gonna go and kill her myself." Maria said.

"not before I do." John laughed tiredly, still in pain from his back.

"Come on, dumbass. I'll take you to the hospital." She said, picking Philip up and grabbing her things.

"Thank you, Mars. Ya know I love you." John said, kissing her cheek.

"I love you too." Maria sighed. As much as she wanted John to leave and yell and scream at him, she knew it wouldn't help. She had been through this herself and knew it would take John time. And she knew he wouldn't let anything happen to Philip, as much as it scared her.

More than anyone, Maria was the one who would understand most.

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