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"This is my first time in your place." Alex said, laying in John's bed with him.

"Yeah, cause it ain't much." John laughed, sitting up and leaning on the wall behind his bed. He didn't have a bed frame, since they were pricey and it worked fine without one. It also made it easy for Philip to get on the bed himself.

Alex shrugged. "It's similar to my first apartment. It was a little one bedroom like this, a little smaller cause it was me and Lafayette sharing with bunk beds." He laughed softly.

"Sounds like a dope bachelor life." John laughed, grabbing a blunt from his bedside dresser, getting up and opening the window so the smoke had a way out before getting back in bed.

"Yeah, that was right before we both met our future wives." Alex laughed softly.

"Yeah?" John asked, lighting his smoke.

"Yeah. He had a psychology class with Adrienne and I had English with Eliza, both freshman year of college. By the end of the semester, Adrienne and Laf were married." Alex shook his head.

"Shit- for real?" John asked, looking at Alex.

"Mhm." Alex laughed. "They said they knew they were meant to be and got engaged after a couple weeks and married in November. They're going on fourteen years and almost three kids down so I think they were right."

"They seem good." John agreed, shrugging. "How long did it take you and Eliza?" He asked.

"Well, she wasn't interested in a relationship when I met her but I kept asking and eventually she agreed, after almost a year." Alex laughed sadly. "We dated for about five years. Just wanted to wait cause she wanted kids, I didn't, and that's a big thing to not agree with." He shrugged.

"Eventually, we agreed on one kid. Then got married, waited three years, then had Frances. For someone who really didn't want kids, I was very excited about Frances and now, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me." Alex smiled sadly.

"Eliza and I had been talking about having a second kid when she passed. Never thought I'd be a family man but I loved having a family to come home to every day." Alex sniffled a bit.

John frowned, putting an arm around Alex's shoulder.

"Uhm, can you talk now." Alex sniffled, wiping his eyes and leaning into John.

John nodded. "I always wanted a big fam. I mean, I came from one." He laughed.

"My mama is great. She is a nurse at the childrens hospital and man, she's good at it. She had me young, at seventeen so she got married early and had a bunch of kids. Our dad sucks balls, man. He is a drunk, stupid ass. Mama left him when I was fourteen, so she was a single mom with five kids."

"Finished high school, just fucking bitches." John took a hit off his blunt. "Started college and met Philip's mom. Fell in love with her. God- I loved her so much. She could do anything and I'd forgive her and give her head." He laughed softly, breathing out the smoke.

"She got pregnant with lil man and we wanted to keep em. We dropped out, got this apartment. She didn't wanna work while pregnant so I worked several jobs. Then when lil man was born, she stayed a couple days then dipped. No call, no note. Nothing. She's come back a couple times but," John shrugged.

"What were you majoring in? In college?" Alex asked.

"Pre-med." John sighed. "Was gonna be a doctor but lil man couldn't wait a few more years." He laughed softly.

"Why don't you go back?" Alex asked, looking up at Alex as he leaned on his shoulder.

John laughed and shook his head. "Nah, I don't have the time or money right now. I don't get enough time with lil man as is and still making shit money."

"Well, I could help you out." Alex shrugged. "Between Eliza's insurance and just my income, I have more than enough."

John shook his head. "I'm not gonna take you're money, Lex. It ain't right." He said.

"You won't be taking it. I want to give it to you." Alex said.

John shook his head again. "No way. Save it for Frances to go to college." He said, putting the blunt in the ash tray. "I'll never let you do that."

"Not even if we start dating?" Alex asked, swallowing hard.

"What?" John asked.

"You know..." Alex said, moving and sitting in John's lap, wrapping his arms around his neck. "What if we eventually got together? Would you do it then?" He asked.

John laughed softly and shook his head. "Nah. I don't need a sugar daddy." He sat his hands on Alexander's thighs as he sat there.

Alex laughed softly, glad John didn't seem annoyed he mentioned them dating in the future.

"If Philip stays in here too, how do you have hookups over?" Alex asked, staying in his spot.

"Most nights he stays at moms cause I don't get off until 2." John explained, shrugging.

"Oh god- sorry for taking away from one of your days." Alex said, feeling bad.

John shrugged. "Nah, don't worry bout it. I have an extra day this week cause mama's going outta town for my lil sis so I had to take Saturday off." He explained.

"Oh, okay, okay, good." Alex smiled.

John smiled, leaning back and closing his eyes.

"Are you grinding your hips on me?" John laughed, leaning back up after a few moments.

"God, yes. I Thought you'd never notice." Alex laughed.

John rolled his eyes, picking Alex up and laying him on his back. "You trynna tell me something?" He asked, holding himself so he was hovering over Lex.

Alex rolled his eyes. "Just give me head or something. I'm horny." He laughed.

John shook his head, pulling Alex's hips to his own and leaning down, kissing his neck.

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