2 | Newt¹: Falling asleep on him

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You falling asleep on Newt before you are dating.

Newt is gay, so please be respectful.

Y/n's POV:
It was bonfire night, and you were sitting in front of the fire, your back lent against a log as you stared at the flames dancing in front of your eyes. Newt was sitting over with Minho and Thomas, laughing and drinking Gally's special drink together.

You'd spent a long day working and your body longed for sleep, but you went to every bonfire and didn't want to miss it. You sat in a daze, your trance broken by someone sitting down beside you.

"Hey," Newt's soft accented voice said from beside you.

"Hi," You responded quietly.

"You tired?" Newt asked, his face etched with concern as he took in your tired eyes.

"A bit." You admitted.

He nodded understandingly.

"Why don't you go back to your hammock?" He asked.

"I dunno, bonfires are fun, don't wanna miss it." I said.

He nodded again, drawing his attention to Gally's fight with another glader. You continued to look into the fires bright flames, within minutes your tired body had sunk closer and closer to Newt's, your head now lying on his shoulder. It wasn't long before you started to drift off to sleep, whether you wanted to or not.

Newt's POV:
I was sat at the bonfire with Minho and Thomas, Minho talking about his latest hair routine, something I wasn't particularly interested in, not that my interest would stop him from talking about it. I looked up, scanning the area for Y/n. And there they sat, alone and looking into the fire. God, I missed them. What was I doing sitting with these two shanks when I could be sitting with them?

"I'm just gonna go get another drink," I said, standing up and walking away before they could say anything else.

I walked over to the log Y/n sat on, sitting down beside them.

"Hey," I said to them, causing them to turn to face me.

"Hi," They said with a tired smile.

I could see the tiredness in their eyes and felt bad that they had been working so hard recently.

"You tired?" I asked them.

"A bit," They softly admitted.

I nodded, I knew that they loved bonfires and wouldn't want to miss one, but their sleep was important.

"Why don't you go back to your hammock?" I questioned, already knowing the answer.

"I don't know," they said with a shrug. "bonfires are fun, don't wanna miss it."

I could sense them trying to stop themselves from yawning and knew they wouldn't want a long conversation and would prefer to simply relax. I nodded and drew my attention to Gally's fight as they looked back at the bonfire in front of us. After Gally had finished his fight I looked over at y/n, who had gradually moved their head to my shoulder.

I found their eyes shut, their chest rising and falling from their deep breathing as they peacefully slept. I smiled at them, moving closer so they could be more comfortable. I turned my attention to the fire, watching the flickering flames.

I was anxious that someone would make a loud noise and wake them up, and with all the loud cheering and chatter I wouldn't be surprised if it did happen. But my thoughts and view of the fire were disrupted when Minho and Thomas stood in front of me.

"Well this is new," Minho loudly remarked with a smirk, nudging Tommy.

"Very new," Tommy said in agreement, nodding his head.

"Slim it alright, before they wake up." I hissed.

This only earned more of a reaction from Minho and Tommy.

"Worried they'll wake up and realise they could've been lying on me this whole time instead of your ugly shank ass?" Minho quipped.

Y/n slightly stirred in my sleep, I looked back up at the two smirking faces staring at me and glared at them.

"Clear off before you wake them up, you're practically shouting." I said quietly yet firmly to enforce authority in my voice.

"Jeez, calm down Lover-boy, Thomas and I were just leaving. Weren't we, Tom?" Minho said beginning to walk away, Tommy quickly following with a nod.

"Wouldn't want to disrupt the two little lovers." Tommy said with a playful grin.

I glared at them as they walked away laughing. I turned my attention back to Y/n to make sure they were still sleeping, happy to see they were. I could feel their soft calm breaths warming my neck as they slept. We stayed like this for a while, me staring at the fire as they leaned against me in a deep sleep. I was beginning to became drowsy myself until a loud burst of cheers erupted from the fight circle. I felt the comforting weight being lifted off my shoulder and turned to see Y/n sitting up, tiredly rubbing their eyes.

"What's going on?" They asked, attempting to stifle a yawn.

"You fell asleep," I said gently.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's alright, you don't have to apologise, love." I replied with.

I began to stand up, knowing that if they fell asleep again they'd only be woken by loud cheering soon later.

"Cmon lets go back to your hammock." I said.

"But the bonfire hasn't ended yet." They began to protest.

I ignored their objections as I gently grasped their hands and pulled them up.

"It's alright, Alby won't let it go on much longer." I murmured as I began to walk them over to their hammock. "And I know you're tired, just get some sleep now."

"Okay, okay." They said as they climbed into their hammock, not bothering to change into any night clothes.

"Goodnight y/n." I said to them, their lack of response hinting that they had in fact already fallen asleep.

I lent down to them, brushing away their hair before kissing their forehead. Pleased that they were safely sleeping, I walked back over to the bonfire, Minho and Tommy immediately coming over to tease me.

Word count: 1,001

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