5 | Aris¹: Falling asleep on him

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A/n: I hope everyone's enjoying their holidays and that anyone who celebrated it, had a great Christmas!

You falling asleep on Aris before dating.

The Springs is what Group B's 'glade' was called.

Y/n's POV
You and Aris were seated in the vents of the facility, peering into a vent. Janson had just called a new group of people to be taken to the 'safe haven', yet you and Aris knew it wasn't the case. You and him had been at the compound for nearly two weeks and spent most of your nights in the vents waiting for something new to happen.

Saying you were tired was an understatement, your unchanging nightly routine never failing to tire you. It always went the same; go to dinner, leave after people were called for the safe haven, follow them through the vents, sit and watch an empty corridor until you left at 6:00am, which was an hour before they would come to your rooms and get you for breakfast.

The routine for the scientists who 'saved you' was just as regular as yours and Aris, there was never a change in their schedule. Once those covered bodies came through, they never came back out. Yet you and Aris still remained staring in a hazy trance at the door down below, waiting.

The two of you would take shifts watching the hallway after the time hit midnight, but you could never sleep during your selected time, and hadn't had a good sleep ever since you started exploring the vents. Anxiety coursed through your veins, your body alert and waiting. The distant sound of white-noise ringing in your ear had become familiar, now barely noticeable but still keeping you awake. How could you sleep knowing there was a chance you and Aris could be caught?Every night you willed your eyes to stay open as the two of you sat in a comfortable silence.


After long nights of short, restless sleeps, you now struggled to hold yourself up as the tiredness caught up to you. Your body ached, your eyes were sore and they longed to shut.

You slowly moved your head down to Aris' shoulder, allowing yourself the small amount of relief and relaxation. Aris continued to stare out at the gap through the vent, seemingly unfazed by you leaning against him.

Your eyes were beginning to close, but you widened them, not allowing yourself to close them no matter how much they burned. Your eyes were glued to the corridor, waiting for anything to happen in the eery space down below.

"I'm sorry for dragging you into all this," Aris quietly mumbled, pulling you away from your thoughts.

You looked up at him, his gaze remained on the vent, but a look of sorrow was painted in his eyes, guilt washed over his face.

"It's okay," You softly whispered.

The two words were small, simple, but they spoke so much themselves. The reassuring meaning behind them was enough.

You blinked your eyes tightly, attempting to stay awake as your gaze was drawn back to the familiar, empty sight below. Quietly, Aris snaked his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him so you were propped against him.

"Go to sleep." He said quietly.

"But it isn't midnight." You began to protest, still keeping your volume low.

"Sleep." He whispered to you. "Please."

You were too tired to oppose further and finally gave in. Your body slumped into his in defeat, the tiredness you tried so hard to push back and forget came rushing back to you at an overwhelming pace. It didn't take long for you to drift off.

Aris' POV:
As usual, Y/n and I were sat together in silence. As usual, we were peering into the vent waiting for something to happen. As usual the corridor remained empty.

We had been sitting here since dinner and according to the watch I had kept from The Springs, it was 10:30. Day time passed in a blur, while night seemed to never end, minutes morphing into long, silent hours. Looking into the same vent, night after night was a tiring and boring process.

Time became precious and despised. It was always on my mind.

How long until Y/n was taken away?

How long did we have to stay here for?

How long until we were saved?

How long had we been away from the Springs?

How long until the morning?

How long had it been since the others were taken from us?

All these questions swirled in my mind, constantly reminding me how cautious Y/n and I had to be. If Y/n was taken as well, I wasn't sure how I could cope. Even if our nights were spent staring through the gaps of a vent, I still needed them here. I was grateful that they hadn't been taken.


There was still a chance of them being taken away from me. Certainty never seemed to be an option ever since we escaped the maze, especially concerning our safety. But there seemed to be nothing else we could do except observe from a distance.

I knew how hard it was on Y/n. They spent every day doing various tests, running on treadmills for hours on end just to end up staying up majority of the night.

I dared myself to glance over at them, breaking my trance-like state of staring into the hallway down below. Over time their head had made its way to my shoulder, lightly resting on me as they looked ahead. Guilt overcame me as I took in the bags underneath their obviously tired eyes. Their hair was slightly ruffled and their face wore a tired expression. But even when so tired and worn out, they managed to look perfect.

"I'm sorry for dragging you into all this," I said when I turned my attention back to the vent, still cautious to keep my volume down.

I briefly drifted my eyes back to them, catching the slightly surprised look in their eyes. We both knew talking was risky when anyone could so easily hear us. But I couldn't bear watching them grow more and more worn out each day because of me.

"It's okay." They whispered back to me.

I turned back over to them, their expression solemn and truly meaningful. Their eyes squeezed open and shut as they focussed back on the hallway. I made the spontaneous decision to move my arm around their waist, holding them closer so they could lean on me.

"Go to sleep." I instructed.

"But it isn't midnight." They whispered, their eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Sleep." I repeated, my voice softening.

I could tell they were debating, their face held a slight frown as they debated whether they should actually listen to me.

"Please." I added on.

I could feel them look at me one more time until they finally leaned against me, curling into my body.

"Wake me up when it's my turn." I heard them mumble as they closed their eyes.

They moved for a bit, trying to get comfortable before they stopped and fell asleep. I broke my stare from them, comforted that they were finally getting a much-needed rest.

Word count: 1,168

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