15 | Newt³: Anxious

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You feeling anxious before you are in a relationship with Newt.

You never usually minded bonfires, but tonight was different. You were already anxious, and a crowded, noisy event full of teenage boys wasn't exactly going to help your nerves.

You would've opted not to join, but Chuck had begged for you to come, and he knew you couldn't say no to him. This is why you were standing with a group of gladers silently, while they laughed and talked around you. You pretended to listen as you fiddled with your fingers, your mind elsewhere, thinking of millions of things. You tried to not let your mind wander to these thoughts, but with nothing else to think of, you couldn't help but worry.

What if more people got hurt?

What if the walls stopped closing?

What if the runners got trapped in the maze?

What if you could never escape?

What if you were stuck in the glade forever?

Your thoughts were disrupted with a small nudge to your shoulder. You turned to face Newt standing behind you, an understanding smile on his face.

"Hey, you alright?" He asked, his eyes looking into yours.

You nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine, it's just loud."

"You wanna go over there?" He asked, nodding his head to a log more separated from the business of the bonfire.

You nodded again, grateful for the excuse to leave. He grabbed your arm gently as he pulled you away from the group and over to a small log, still near and facing the fire yet far enough to calm you. 

"Is this alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's fine," You replied. "Thanks for sitting with me."

"Of course," He said with a smile.

"Did anything happen?" He asked gently.

"No, nothing happened," you reassured. "I was just thinking; what if we're stuck in the glade forever?"

"We're gonna escape Y/n, we can't be stuck here forever."

"But it's been two years, it doesn't seem like anything is changing anytime soon."

"We're never giving up, we won't until we find an escape," He comforted.

"I promise." He added on, looking into your eyes.

"Alright," you sighed, giving up on the conversation.

His hands found yours, delicately tracing his finger against the back of your hand. 

"There's no need to worry." He calmly said.

"You can go back with everyone else if you want, you don't have to stay here with me the whole night." You said, guilty that he wasn't spending time with his friends.

"I like it here with you," He responded.

You smiled at his words, happiness beginning to calm your anxiety. You spent the rest of the bonfire with him, neither of you leaving each other's side.

Word count: 441

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