3 | Minho¹: Falling asleep on him

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You falling asleep on Minho while in an unlabelled, romantic relationship.

Y/n's POV
There were many things you loved about being a runner; the feeling of freedom as you ran, the temporary escape from the Glade, the eerily quietness of the Maze. But running still had its negative sides, which were much more drastic, including having to run because your life depended on it, your quick-to-whither hope, the constant fear for your life, and the time consuming hours it demanded. Being a runner also meant waking up early, and once coming back, having to work in the map room until late. Meaning that time spent doing fun things was a rare luxury.

This particular day had been spent running with Minho, and after a quick shower, hours worth of mapping was done. A long, over-due and well-deserved break was finally provided for you and Minho.

You made your way over to the Deadheads with Minho in tow, excited to finally be able to relax. You had tuned out of Minho's usual sarcastic conversing and had turned your focus to the calm sounds of the trees brushing against each other. You and Minho finally made it to the small secluded spot of the Deadheads where you always hung out. You sat again the large tree, your shoulders slanted into each other's and your legs brushed alongside one another's.

Despite the fact that you spent every day together, being able to hang out with Minho alone was rare. Most days were spent running, meaning minimal talking was allowed as you ran in the maze, and even if you were mapping together, the discussions were purely based on the maze and included the other runners.

"You should've seen how mad Gally was, meanwhile I wouldn't be surprised if Chuck clunked his pants from fear!"

You mumble out a "yeah" in response. Usually you would've been laughing along with Minho, but after the extra long run and mapping today you felt more tired. You could feel Minho nudge your side with a frown of confusion.

"Did you even hear what I just said?" He asked.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm listening, just tired." You explained.

"Well we can go back to the hammocks if ya want." Minho offered.

"No-no, I wanna spend time with you, we've barely had any time together,"

Minho looked at you, debating how tired you were and if he should be taking you back to your hammock to sleep.

"Just keep talking, I'm listening." You say firmly.

He raised his eyebrows in question.

"Whatever you say," he said. "Back to what I was saying-,"

You listen as he continued his story about Chuck's prank on Gally, your eyes growing heavier. Over time you had gotten much closer to Minho's body, your head now bent down to lean against his shoulder. Minho briefly stopped talking to look at you with a smirk.

"Just can't be even a centimetre apart from me can you?" He quips. "Can't resist my charm."

"Slim it and just continue the shuck story." You respond with.

He lets out a laugh before moving his arm around you to drag you closer to him, allowing you to lean on him comfortably.

"And he basically got this wooden box thing and put it behind the window-," Minho continued.

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