6 | Teresa¹: Stargazing

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A/n: Sorry that this one's much shorter, but I thought adding more would ruin it.

You stargazing with Teresa.

Your POV:
You lay beside Teresa, both of you looking up at the dark night sky covered in bright stars. Underneath your heads was an old, worn blanket, propping the two of you slightly up. The sound of water flowing beside you in the small lake that ran through the Deadheads and the sound of trees peacefully swaying in the breeze quickly calmed you. Occasionally a few distant cheers were heard from the few gladers that hadn't yet gone to their hammocks and remained at the bonfire you and Teresa had recently left from. All of it felt so far away from the two of you as you lay staring at the stars.

"You see the three stars shining the brightest over there?" Teresa asked softly, raising her hand up to point towards a group of three stars shining brightly. "That's called the Summer Triangle, it's an asterism."

You followed her finger to the cluster of stars, three stars were shining particularly bright, forming a triangle shape.

"Wow." You murmured in disbelief, she chuckled lightly at your response.

"And that over there, the cluster shaped like a diamond," She continued, pointing over at a different set of stars. "That's Delphinus."

You looked at the five stars in awe before she spoke again.

"It feels nice knowing that the stars haven't changed, that they're always going to be there, even when we're isolated and trapped in the middle of a maze." She spoke sentimentally.

You turned to face her, humming a short response, too tired to form proper words. You admired the small smile on her face, how the little light remaining in the sky was shimmering against her burning blue eyes, the darkness creating a perfect contrast on her side profile. You lent your head against her shoulder, returning your gaze to the sky as she pointed her finger in a different direction.

As much as you wanted to learn more, her words were becoming a mere blur as you started falling into a deep sleep to the calming sound of her voice.

Teresa's POV:
My gaze remained on the stars that littered across the sky. It was strange that the creators took away so many memories, yet I could remember the stars so vividly. I turned my gaze to Y/n, who had been quiet for a while, to find their eyes closed and their y/h/c hair slightly falling across their face, they looked perfect.

I reached a hand towards them to brush the hair away, tucking it behind their ear. I smiled as I wrapped an arm around them, holding their head to remain on shoulder. I broke my gaze from them to look back at the stars, watching them sparkle as thoughts of y/n took over my mind. I felt myself slowly falling into a calming sleep filled with dreams of stars and Y/n.

Word count: 472

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