4 | Gally¹: Falling asleep on him

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You falling asleep on Gally while dating.

Y/n's POV:
You had been watching Gally fight for hours on end, it was what you had spent most of the bonfire doing, yet it never bothered you. Each fight would end the same, Gally winning with a smug smile on his face, while the poor shank he faced tried to play off his fail as he walked away.

Despite every fights predictable nature, you still would happily sit and watch Gally. As he fought it gave you time to admire his swift yet forceful movements, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration, the small smirk that tugged at the corner of his lips, or the loving looks he gave you as he glanced over at your direction just to check you were still there.

Though he loved the fight circles, he never spent the whole duration of the bonfire doing it. Time still reserved to socialise with his fellow builders, and more importantly, you. After a few fights he would walk over you to you, and you would spend the rest of the night with him, drinking by the fire's warm embers, laughing amidst the rowdy gladers and finally relaxing after the work-filled month.

Cheers errupted around you, signally the end of this fight. You turned your focus back to Gally as he walked over to you grinning, his hand reaching out to yours as you entangled your fingers with his.

"Hey," He murmured.

"Good to see you won again." You said with a smile.

"Shouldn't expect any less of me," he jokingly murmured as you pulled him down to a more secluded area of the glade.

"I've missed you," He spoke, his voice low and husky.

"I was there the whole time," you teased.

"Yeah well, we couldn't talk."

"Right," you said with a nod as he grinned at you.

You were now seated against the hard wall of the maze, deep in the Deadheads and far away from everyone else. The only thing that you could now hear was the wind pushing the rustling leaves together and the calm flow of the water running through the small river.

Gally's grip on your hand remained, your fingers laced together as his thumb gently brushed along the skin of your hand. Both of you were significantly tired from the extended day. Sure, bonfires were fun, but after a certain amount of time the tiredness would catch up on you.

You lent your head to rest on Gally's shoulder as you stared at the shimmering water's calming flow. The night's crescent moon was displayed amidst the sea-green abyss, ripples through the water gently moving the silver sliver.

Gally's arm wrapped around you, pulling you closer to him. He moved the same hand to your hair, gently playing with the strands as you propped yourself against him. You were growing more drowsy as the two of you peacefully sat together, Gally occasionally mumbling things in your ear. Before you knew it, your eyes were closed and you were falling into a calming sleep.

Gally's POV:
I had just finished fighting some shank who'd practically walked out of the circle himself. As cheers erupted around me I turned to find them, searching the crowd until I spotted the familiar y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes. They stood with a smile, watching as the crowd cheered, their eyes glistening with happiness. Seeing them at moments like these was like a luxury, the few seconds of happiness, a rare moment when they could just be.

"Hey Gally! Bet ya can't beat me," Someone called out from behind me, earning a few cheers.

"'Nother time," I muttered absentmindedly as I walked away from the circle.

I approached Y/n with a smile as they finally caught my eye. I reached my hand to theirs, gently tugging them closer to me.

"Hey," I spoke.

"Good to see you won again." They said, their mouth turned up in a perfect smile, the same smile I loved so much.

"Shouldn't expect any less of me," I said with a laugh as we walked through to the Deadheads, earning a soft chuckle from them, the sound causing me to smile even more.

"I've missed you," I said.

"I was there the whole time," they said with a cheeky smile.

"Yeah well we couldn't talk." I reasoned.

"Right," they said with a sarcastic nod, causing me to begin laughing again.

We now sat against the wall, our bodies propped against one another in the calming scenery of the Deadheads. They gently laid their head on my shoulder, their eyes focussed on the river in front of us. I felt guilty for not realising they were tired earlier, I should've been able to pick up the signs.

I moved my left arm that was once lent against them to hold their body against me, my fingers finding their perfect hair that I loved so much. I could sense their tiredness growing, so I stayed quiet aside from a few remarks.

They're breathing began to grow heavier, their chest rising and falling. I looked down at them to find their eyes shut, their mouth slightly parted as they slept. I admired their perfect features, the small perfections about them that no one else seemed to notice.

I moved my right arm around their body, looping it under their legs, my movements slow to ensure they didn't wake up. I brought their body against mine as I stood, my arm holding their upper body against my chest. I could sense them beginning to stir in their sleep as their breathing grew lighter.

"Shh," I whispered to them as I walked to their hammock.

I weaved through the other gladers hammocks until I found Y/n's and gently laid them down in the fabric. I slowly moved my arm out from under their head, their hair falling out from my arm and framing their face.

I moved my hands to their shoes, untying the laces and gently slipping the shoes off their feet, dropping the shoes beneath their hammock. I lent down by their head, brushing the hair out of their face before softly kissing their forehead.

Word count: 1,025

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