8 | Newt²: Nightmare

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Newt comforting you after a nightmare before the two of you date

Your POV:
It had been a few days since Chuck had broken your hammock. Until the creators could send up more supplies to provide you with another, Alby had decided for you to sleep in Newt's hut. Not only was Newt second in command and Alby's most trusted, but he was also the glader you were closest with, the two of you becoming friends as soon as you had come up in the box.

A small cot-like bed had been made courtesy of the builders and was placed in Newt's hut, which is where you lay in on this particular night. The wind outside rattled the windows that had droplets of rain dripping down the glass. Newt lay in his bed across the room from you, sleeping with his back faced away and lightly snoring. You lay in bed, tired from the long day of work and the bonfire, sleep quickly coming to you.

You were surrounded by pushing people who were roughly shoving you forwards. You looked down at your body, it was significantly smaller, smaller hands, shorter legs, but still could be recognised as yours.

Your body was continuously pushed forward. Uncontrollably, your feet pressed into the ground, hands reaching out in hopes of grasping something to keep your body in place. But it was no use as you drew closer and closer to a room.

In one swift movement, you were pushed forward, the room seeming to resemble a pit of sorts. You continued to be shoved forward by a large suited person, the word WCKD printed out on their suits, just as it was written on your supplies in the Glade. As you were pushed further in the guards left, relief from the released grasp was not long-lived as loud screeches surrounded you.

You turned to face horrifying creatures with thin, weak bars being the only barrier between yourself and them. Those who had them, had dark, blackened eyes, which were darting across the area in front of them. From either side of you were clawing hands reaching forward attempting to break through the bars and grab you.

Panic filled you, tears quick to brim at your eyes. But you had no escape, the door you had entered through was tightly shut behind you. The psychotic people continued to claw at you, you whimpered as you stayed still in the middle of the corridor.

"Walk." A voice commanded over what seemed to be a loudspeaker.

Walk? You couldn't think of a worse or more frightening idea.

"Walk to the other end, now." The same person demanded.

Fearfully, you began to walk through the corridor, avoiding the chains and rubbish on the un-even floor. You were near the end when you stumbled over a thick chain which ran across the floor.

You tripped, falling closer than preferred to the right side of the hallway. Closer to the bars, meaning closer to the clawing hands attempting to grasp you. The hands wildly reached forward, clawing at your body.

Before you could back away, a hand latched onto you, ripping through the skin of your right upper-arm with their claw-like nails, digging into your skin. Blood immediately flooded through the scratched surface as you screamed. Pure pain surged through you as you tried to back away, stumbling over the bumpy floor.

Your screams didn't silence as the guards rushed back into the room, grabbing hold of you.

"Take them back to their room, they should've learnt their lesson." A man instructed as you were pulled out of the room.

"But Janson, they've been scratched," One of the people holding you said, their voice muffled through the suit.

"They're immune, they'll be fine," The man replied. "Take them back, and make sure they stay in their room."

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