12 | Gally²: Anxious

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A/n: Due to me going on holiday, posting may be less frequent in the next week or so. Imagines will also be shorter so I can post quicker.

You feeling anxious during a Gathering before you and Gally are dating.

Your POV:
Every month, the box would come up with a new greenie, and every 7 days, it would come again with general supplies. This was a fact in the Glade, it had been for the past two years. But at the end up the week when the box had came up, it was lacking the usual supplies. While the supplies weren't too necessary, it still raised the question of what this could mean for the Glade.

Chaos and worry was struck across the gladers, leading to a gathering quickly being called, which is why all the keepers were sat on creaky wooden chairs in a small semi-circle. Gally was sat to your left, your chairs almost touching, while Winston sat on your other side. The leaders and the keepers were surrounding you, discussing how to approach the news.

As the conversation continued, you were growing more anxious, your fingers fiddling in your lap while your leg bounced up and down. The heel of your shoe was tapping at the ground, the noise only audible to those next to you.

"Could you quit that," Gally hissed from beside you, his expression annoyed. "It's distracting."

"Whatever, sorry." You mumbled, stilling your leg as you looked over to concentrate on Alby.

Your concentration quickly withered as you picked at your fingernails, anxiety gnawing at you. It didn't take long for your leg to begin bouncing again, while you remained unaware of the movement, focussing on your nails. The tapping sounds of your heel were blocked from your hearing as your leg mindlessly bounced up and down.

It was only when a large, firm hand was placed on your mid-thigh that you realised you had begun moving your leg again. You looked up at Gally who was looking at you, his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at you questioningly.

"It's only supplies, Y/n." He spoke, his voice low to not disrupt the conversation. "We'll get more soon."

You shrugged, brushing off his words.

"Seriously," he said, his voice firm. "We'll be fine."

"Yeah but what if the box doesn't come back up again?" You responded anxiously.

"Well for now we have enough supplies, we can figure it out when we don't have any." He responded, surprisingly bringing a small sense of comfort to you.

You looked down at your hands, still worried despite his reassuring words. He moved his hand from your thigh to your hands, pulling them away to stop your fiddling. But his calloused hand remained on your left hand, his fingers rubbing yours gently.

"We'll figure it out," He murmured, his tone softening. "I promise."

He turned his attention back to Newt who was now talking. But his hand didn't move, clasping yours and remaining on your lap. While half listening to the meeting you played with his fingers. At first only gently moving them, testing if he'd complain, and when he didn't, you continued to fiddle with them, distracting yourself from your anxious thoughts.

Gally's POV:
I sat on the creaky chair, listening to Alby go on about how we had to be careful with how much klunk we used. This meeting was getting more and more pointless as Alby continued to drone on, what more was there to say? My patience was shrinking as the shanks we called keepers asked the dumbest questions possible.


I looked over to where the sound had come from, finding it to have resulted from Y/n's foot bouncing against the floor. Expecting them to stop, I turned back to Zart who had begun to ask a question. But, Y/n didn't stop.

"So," tap "what" tap, tap "happens" tap "if" tap, tap "we" tap, tap, tap-

"Could you quit that?" I asked Y/n, exasperated and giving up on the idea of them stopping. "It's distracting."

"Whatever, sorry." They mumbled, finally stopping their leg from moving and looking away from me and over to Alby.

I too, tried to focus on Alby, but Y/n fiddling beside was painfully obvious and very distracting. It took about ten seconds for their leg to start bouncing again.

I stared at their leg, willing it to stop with my mind as they picked at their nails, seemingly oblivious. I rolled my eyes at their concentration before taking matters into my own hands.

Caught up in the heat of the moment, I moved my hand to their leg, holding it still to stop the bothering bouncing. They looked up at me in surprise.

"It's only supplies, Y/n. We'll get more soon." I said, my voice quiet.

They shrugged as though they didn't actually believe me. I could tell they were still anxious as they looked down at their lap.

"Seriously," I said, catching their attention. "We'll be fine."

"Yeah but what if the box doesn't come back up again?" They asked, their eyes filled with worry.

Surprisingly, I wanted them to believe me, I wanted them to know we'd be okay.

"Well for now we have enough supplies, we can figure it out when we don't have any." I said, trying to reassure them.

The problem was, I didn't seem to be good at comforting people. It wasn't something I tend to do in the Glade. I didn't even know how to do it. They looked at their hands sceptically, clearly doubting my words.

Without knowing what else to do, I moved my hand from where it rested on their thighs (which I had forgotten about) to their hands, stopping them from anxiously fiddling.

"We'll figure it out," I said, hesitating before continuing. "I promise."

I wasn't sure if a promise from me would mean anything to them, but they seemed okay with it. I could sense them relaxing slightly, so I turned back over to Newt who was talking. I kept my hand holding theirs, not too certain on if I should move it or not.

My attention was drawn back to them when they began to move my fingers, gently playing with them. I tried to focus on the meeting but it was becoming hard when they kept playing with my fingers, brushing their own against mine. I could feel the tips of my ears heating up, my cheeks becoming rosy, but silently prayed Y/n wouldn't notice.

The feeling of them holding onto my hand, felt different. I had no memory of holding hands with anyone, but something about holding their hand felt comforting, perhaps even safe.

Word count: 1,073

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