13 | Thomas⁴: Sick

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You feeling sick while dating Thomas

The moment you woke up, you immediately felt unwell, you had a strong headache and hazy dizziness overwhelming you.

As usual, you ignored the feeling, pushing it away so you could continue to do your job. But this decision turned out to be harder than expected. As the day progressed the sick feeling only worsened. Your body was achy and sore, each small movement felt like a chore. You never usually feel so weary and tired when working.

By the time dinner had come, your head was pounding and no matter how long you spent in the sun, you couldn't manage to warm up, a layer of cold always wrapped around you.

Much to your disappointment, you hadn't been able to see Thomas the majority of the day. The only time you had a chance to speak was when he came back from the maze. But the conversation was short-lived, stopping when he had to go map.

You approached the bumpy, wooden table you typically sat at with your group, plate of food in hand, and Chuck trailing behind you going over his day. Newt, Minho, Thomas, and a few other not-so-familiar gladers were already sitting at the table, perched on the bench and talking and laughing.

You sat at the end of the table on the right side of Thomas who was currently talking to Newt. Chuck sat opposite you, pausing his chatter to instead talk to the other boys at the table.Thomas turned towards you, greeting you with a warm smile.

"Hey, I haven't seen you all day, I've missed you." He murmured as the others loudly talked. "I looked for you when I finished mapping but I couldn't find you."

He looped his fingers in yours, lightly squeezing your hand.

As much as the two of you wanted to, kissing in public wasn't exactly approved of by your friends. There was Minho, who always groaned and complained, Chuck; the one who blushed and looked away, not knowing how to act, and Newt who would demand the two of you to stop. Which is why you and Thomas stuck to holding hands.

"Sorry, I was helping Chuck with the laundry." You said as you played with your food on the plate with your fork.

He nodded understandingly before frowning in concern.

"Are you okay, you look kind of pale?" Thomas asked.

You nodded reassuringly.

"Just a bit tired." You said, biting down on a piece of carrot.

Your stomach churned in disgust from the vegetable as you forced yourself to swallow down the food.

"Hey Thomas, look what I made today!" Chuck excitedly said as he pulled out the newest wooden figure he had made.

As much as Chuck tried to act as though he could handle himself and that he was just as old as us, there were still moments when he'd let that façade slip.

Ever since Thomas had asked about the small figure Chuck had made for his parents, Chuck now made sure to always show him his newest creations.

Thomas turned his focus to Chuck, watching him pull out the crafted wood from his pocket. Your head continued to ache as you looked at the new figure Chuck has made.

Abandoning the food, you pulled your sleeves over your hands, attempting to provide yourself with some sort of warmth. Thomas looked over at your covered hands questionably.

"You cold?" He asked, nodding over at your covered arms.

"Freezing." You replied with a nod.

He frowned at you in confusion, looking at the thick shirt and long pants you wore. He, and the majority of the glades, wore thin, long-sleeved shirts that were rolled up, allowing the cool air to touch their skin.

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