7 | Thomas²: Nightmare

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You having a nightmare and Thomas comforting you before you and him date.

Your POV:
"So let's just make it official, as of tomorrow, you're a runner."

Those words Newt had said to Thomas were now replaying in your mind. Of course, you were happy that Thomas had finally become a runner after all his training and effort, but this decision had induced a mass of anxiety on you.

Your mind was full of fears and worries of him getting hurt, or worse, killed. Thomas was the person you were closest to in the Glade, the two of you had a connection that no one else seemed to have.

After celebrating with him, your concerns for Thomas grew. Everyone had gone to sleep for the night, yet you still lay awake in your hammock, your mind full of anxious thoughts for Thomas's safety.

But when you eventually fell asleep, even this could not calm your mind. Your typically peaceful dreams had been haunted by anxiety-ridden nightmares.

You stood in front of the quickly closing maze doors alone, waiting for something, but what?

Then Thomas came into view, his body covered in blood while he limped towards the doors. You yearned to run into the maze and save him, carry him back to the safety of the Glade, yet your body seemed stuck in place, paralysed with no control over it. There wasn't an option to run and help him, no matter how much you willed yourself to try.

Your vision was drawn to a griever quickly approaching Thomas, pursuing the boy who was desperately running to the exit. The griever reached out its large claws and clasped them around Thomas's body. Internally, you were screaming, yet a single sound never left your mouth as you silently stood there, watching as the griever pulled him back. Further and further away from you.

You sat up with a jolt, panting for air as the nightmare's awful images continued to replay in your head. You raked a hand through your hair as you hopelessly squeezed your eyes open and closed, hoping that you could magically forget what you had just seen.

Your hands shook as you lay back down on the hammock, wishing to return to a peaceful sleep. But your mind couldn't rest; you longed to talk to Thomas and remind him to be careful, warn him of just how dangerous the maze could be.

Your first thought was to go to his hammock that he usually lay in nearby, but the idea was abandoned when you remembered he had moved to a runner's hut. Determined to still see Thomas before he left, you swung yourself off of the hammock and made your way across the Glade in the direction of where Thomas had so proudly shown off his new hut.

You approached the hut and hesitated by the door, unsure if this was the right thing to do. But your body was a mix of nerves, and the only thing you wanted was to see Thomas, remind yourself that he was okay. You raised your hand and swiftly knocked on the wooden door. You fiddled anxiously with your still shaking hands while you waited. The nightmare was still fresh in your mind, and you couldn't shake the fear that had come with it.

The sound of creaking footsteps could faintly be heard from inside the hut, growing louder until the door swung open. A weary Thomas came into view, his hair slightly ruffled and his tired eyes adjusting to the light.

"Y/n, what are you doing up?" He asked, his voice hoarse as he pulled you inside his hut, not wanting you to stay outside in the cold chill of the Glade.

He took in your shaking hands and anxious eyes, picking each hand up to hold them in an attempt to calm you.

"Hey- you're shaking; what's wrong?" He asked in concern.

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