16 | Gally³: Cherries

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Before dating, you and Gally sneak into Frypan's kitchen during the night.

Although the actual plot is different, this was inspired from numerous chapters in @celesteisseggsy's Gally fan fiction; Sour Boy. A few of the ideas used in this were inspired by events in their story, so credits go to them for those. Her story is amazing, and has allowed me to write Gally's character so much better, I am so sorry if this is too similar.

It was late at night, the auburn flames that once flickered wildly against the wind were extinguished, a puff of smoke floating atop of the Glade. Surrounding you were gladers, soundly sleeping in their softly swaying hammocks.

You, too, were lying in your hammock, the rough fabric rubbing against your exposed arms. Your mind was awake and bored while you stared up at the navy night sky that was aglow with a blanket of stars. But your attention was pulled away from the twinkling stars when a twig noisily snapped nearby.

You sat up in the hammock, propping yourself up with your hands to look out into the depths of the dark grassy area surrounding you. Your eyes caught onto the tall, lean figure that was awkwardly pushing away tree branches to walk to the hammocks.

"Whatcha doing, Gally?" You asked, your voice teasing.

He jolted at the sudden words, turning away from the hammock he was headed to and over to yours.

"Jeez Y/n, you scared me," He grumbled, realising it was you.

"Thought ya weren't scared of anything," You quipped.

He shot you a glare, even though you wouldn't be able to see in the limited light from the night.

"So, what are you doing?" You questioned.

You were asking less out of interest and more from pure boredom and the need to fill your mind with a conversation.

"What does it look like - I'm going to sleep." He retorted as he climbed into his hammock.

Conveniently for you, his hammock just so happened to be nearby yours.

"Wait, don't go to sleep," you blurted before he could lie down.

"Please," you added on.

He looked over at you in annoyance.

"And why shouldn't I?"

"So we can talk," You reasoned.

Before he had a chance to decline, you spoke again.

"So, what are you doing still up?" You questioned. "Everyone else has been in their hammocks for like hours."

"It's only been 30 minutes, Y/n." He corrected, his voice void of interest.

"Really? Whatever, so what have you been doing for the past 30 minutes?" You asked.

"Just helping Alby finish the bonfire an' stuff," He responded, his legs swinging off the edge of his hammock and his body facing you. "What are you doing still up?"

"Couldn't sleep," You responded with a shrug.


"Can I go sleep yet?" He asked.

"Well, you could, but what would be the fun in that?" You quipped.

"The fun would be that I wouldn't be tired tomorrow. You do realise I'm a keeper, right? I actually have to do work."

"Yeah, everyone knows you're a fancy keeper, Captain Gally," You mocked.

"That's it - I'm going to bed." He responded, leaning down into his hammock.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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