9 | Minho²: Nightmare

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Minho comforting you after a nightmare while you are dating.

Your POV:
It didn't take long for you to move into Minho's hut. Even before the two of you were dating and were just 'friends who kissed' (as you would put it when explaining your relationship to Minho), you would still sneak into his hut on random nights to meet him.

Of course, when you did finally date, it wasn't a surprise to anyone when you spent every night in his hut despite Alby's specific instructions not to. Alby didn't approve when he found out, but he knew arguing with Minho wouldn't get him anywhere. So Alby had compromised to you being allowed to stay there for the night, given you would sleep in a sleeping bag on the floor.

Of course, you and Minho ignored these demands, which is why you lay in Minho's arms this night. But unlike most nights that were spent lying in bed together, your dreamless sleep did not last long.

The first thing you saw was a young boy sitting in a chair, immediately you were able to identify him as a younger Minho. He looked scared out of his mind as he sat in the chair waiting, but for what?

The next thing you noticed was a young girl with hair close to the colour of tar, and a boy with dark brown hair who stood behind a glass wall, staring into the room Minho was in in horror. Across from the two other children's room was another room which you were in.

The room was white with minimal decoration, a large window spread at the front, giving you a perfect view of Minho. Your body was being tightly held up by a man in a black suit that covered all of him.

He held tightly onto your body, one arm wrapped around your waist and the other crossed over your shoulders, holding you still. Another suited man gripped onto your head, holding it forward as you squirmed. One more person was in the room, their face covered, the only thing in their hands was a large gun-like weapon that the person holding your head also carried.

You tried to close your eyes and look away but would receive a strong punch or kick whenever it happened. Your heart dropped as a griever came into the room Minho was in, the disgusting metal creature creeping closer to Minho.

"NO! Stop it! Somebody save him!" You screamed out, your voice relatively younger.
The man's hold on you didn't weaken, if anything, it became stronger, his hands tightly wrapped around you. You screamed for them to stop, but every time you were ignored. The grievers speed was picking up as it came closer to Minho, preparing to kill him.

"Please, stop it! He'll die!" The younger you called out, praying Minho would somehow survive.

The griever let out a loud screech, suddenly the speed gaining as it quickly approached Minho.

"NO! NO!" You repeatedly screamed.

"Watch." The deep voice of the person holding you said into your ear.

Your eyes rapidly opened as you woke up gasping. Minho's arms were still in the position they were when they fell asleep. But his once calming grip now felt like a prison, holding you back similar to how it felt when the suited person had held you tightly in place.

In a panic you pried Minho's arms off you, desperate to get away and have space. Minho quickly woke as you squirmed away from him, throwing his arm away from you.

"What the shuck are you doing?" He asked, sitting up with a frown, both offended and confused to why you had pulled away from him so abruptly.

He rubbed at his eyes, trying to wake himself up. As he looked back over at you with a questioning frown it quickly morphed to worry. He took in your fearful expression as you sat pressed up against the wall, tears in your eyes threatening to drop at any minute.

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