14 | Minho³: Anxious

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You feeling anxious in the WCKD compound after escaping the Glade while in an unlabelled romantic relationship with Minho.

This includes themes similar to a panic attack, which may be triggering to some readers.

Your POV:
The group of remaining gladers stood huddled together in a group, staring out at the tables filled with talkative teenagers. After a long-overdue shower, your group had been ushered into the larger, bustling room with crowded tables that were filled with loud teenagers.

"So we weren't the only maze," Winston muttered as the group took in the scene in front of them.

"I guess not," Minho said in response.

It felt as though everything had happened so quickly, one moment you were clinging onto Chuck's lifeless body, the next you were swooped away, taken to where ever this place was.

Your group began to approach a table, a few other boys you didn't recognise were seated on the other end. When a conversation struck out on the table between the two groups, you couldn't bring yourself to pay attention, allowing you to sit with your thoughts.

Your thoughts came and left quicker than you thought possible, your mind moving rapidly, leaving you no time to come up with reasonable responses to each thought.

You worried about Teresa, who hadn't returned from testing yet.

You worried about the outside world.

You worried about who had rescued you.

You worried about what would happen next.

There was no saying you could trust these people who had rescued you just as you escaped the maze. How could you trust someone you only just met while having no memory of any humans besides the gladers?

Anxiety clawed at your stomach as your fingers began to anxiously rap on the tables hard surface.

You were drawn away from your thoughts when a warm hand wrapped around yours, the rapid taps against the table silenced.

"It's alright Y/n, we're safe now," Minho murmured in your ear.

You could faintly recognise your breathing becoming heavier as the noise from the crowd of teenagers overwhelmed you, pushing you further into a spiral of worry. A dull ringing sound was in your ear as you felt your face begin to flush.

Minho softly squeezed your hand again before leaning in to whisper again.

"It's okay, just breathe." He instructed, his voice low and gentle.

But you couldn't, no matter how hard you tried to suck in the air, your breaths were short and not enough. You anxiously began to bounce your leg, the movements small yet fast.

"Do you wanna leave?" He asked, his head dipped to your ear, so you could hear.

You nodded your head firmly, not wanting to be in the crowded room anymore. Minho turned to Thomas beside him, whispering something in his ear before standing up from his seat. You hurriedly stood up, grasping onto Minho's hand tightly as you walked out, Minho gently guiding you to the exit.

You walked through the door and into an empty hallway, immediately sitting against the wall when you could no longer hear the chatter from the group. You let go of his hand as you leant your head against the wall.

"Is here okay?" Minho asked.

You nodded, focussing on evening your breathing as you tried to calm down and draw yourself away from the anxious thoughts. When you felt as though you had begun to relax you spoke to Minho.

"Yeah, you can go back," you mumbled.

"What? No- I'm staying here with you," He said, his voice a mixture of concern and determination.

"Whatever, alright," you murmured.

Once you had completely relaxed, Minho turned to face you. His gaze was loving as he looked at you, trying to capture your vision for just a few seconds.

"We'll be alright, we're safe now." He reassured.

You nodded your head absentmindedly, before he nudged you, cautious not to cause you to panic again. You looked up at him to be greeted by a comforting smile, his hand moving to yours.

He held onto your hand, soothingly rubbing it with his thumb.

"It's gonna be okay, Y/n."

Minho's POV:
"Yeah, there's only us left now." Said one of the unfamiliar boys.

I couldn't help but frown at this, confused as to how such a small number of his group had escaped. I was about to ask when a soft tapping on the table caught my attention.

I turned to Y/n who sat beside me, their mind clearly elsewhere, y/e/c eyes holding the familiar distant look I had learnt to recognise from our time in the Glade.

They were worried.

Without giving it a second thought I covered their hand with mine, stopping the tapping noises.

Despite the lack of a label and discussion of our relationship, it wasn't new to hold their hand, each time I did so the small rush of their soft hand against mine would always come. No matter how many times we held hands, I could never get sick of it.

I looked over at them, their leg was lightly shaking and their head down and away from everyone.

"It's alright Y/n, we're safe now," I said quietly, not wanting to draw attention to us.

They looked at me briefly, their eyes darting from my hand to me and back to the table. I gently squeezed their hand, waiting for a response to know they were okay. I watched as their breaths grew shorter and they gulped, their leg shaking more.

"It's okay, just breathe," I said.

I watched as their eyes looked at the other chatting teenagers, and their leg bounced more. Their hands began to fidget again, as though all Y/n wanted to do was block their ears.

"Do you wanna leave?" I asked, moving closer to their ear.

They nodded their head gratefully in response. I turned over to Thomas, who was sitting beside me.

"Y/n and I are just gonna check for a bathroom." I hurriedly spoke, barely giving him time to respond with a nod.

With our fingers still intertwined, I led them outside, walking across the large hall to the exit. I walked with them until the sound had faded and they stopped to sit down on the floor, their head lent against the wall.

"Is here okay?" I asked.

They nodded as they stared down at the floor. I stayed quiet, picking at my nails while they gathered their thoughts.

"Yeah, you can go back," They said, breaking the comfortable silence.

I frowned at their suggestion. They couldn't expect me to just leave them here, could they? If they had honestly wanted space away, I would've left straight away, but it seemed as though it was more guilt that drove their remark.

"What? No- I'm staying here with you," I said in protest.

"Whatever, alright," They said, their gaze dropping back to their lap.

We spent a few more moments in silence, both of us gathering our thoughts as we sat on the cold floor, our heads rested on the cement walls.

This time it was me who broke the silence.

"We'll be alright, we're safe now." I said, them nodding in response.

I knew they weren't too focussed on what I had said, not taking in that I had actually meant it. I lightly bumped my shoulder into theirs, causing them to look up at me with a soft smile beginning to form. I reached my hand across to theirs, bringing our hands together again so I could reassuringly rub theirs.

"It's gonna be okay, Y/n."

Word count: 1,221

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