11 | Thomas³: Anxious

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You feeling anxious in the WCKD compound while dating Thomas.

You laid down on the newly provided bed, the only noise being light snores and the heavy breathing from the few remaining gladers. After three years in the maze you had finally escaped, rescued and taken away to whatever this compound was. Showers, beds, food and new clothes had all been provided to you, yet anxiety still coursed through your veins, keeping you awake in the dark of the silent room.

You laid on your back, staring at the bed on top of yours. Thomas lying beside you on his side, facing you and sleeping peacefully. His arm was draped over your body as you anxiously fiddled with your hands in your lap. You couldn't handle all the questions and worries flowing through your head anymore. You turned to the side to face Thomas.

"Tom," you whispered, nudging him lightly.

"Tom." You repeated.

He softly groaned, opening his eyes tiredly before making eye contact with you.

"Y/n? Why are you still awake?" He lowly whispered, his voice still hoarse.

"Do you think we're really safe here?" You whispered, ignoring his question.

"I- I don't know," Thomas said, caught off guard with your question "I don't think we can really be sure."

Your shoulders slouched in disappointment, the waves of worries growing stronger from his words. You fidgeted with your fingers, rubbing at the skin of your hands. Thomas reached his hands out and pulled your own into his, stilling the anxious movements. He held your hands, rubbing his thumb along your skin.

"It's okay, Y/n, you don't have to worry," He whispered comfortingly. "I won't let anything bad happen to us."

"But you can't be sure of that," You mumbled as he continued to rub your hands. "It's not in our control, that's the problem."

"I'll never let anyone hurt you, Y/n, no matter what." He murmured as a y/h/c strand of hair fell down to your face.

He brought his hand up and brushed away the strand, his hand resting on your head as he intertwined his fingers in your hair.

"We'll be okay," He said as he pulled your head towards him, planting a light kiss your lips. "I promise."

You nodded, looking into his eyes.

"Do you think you can get back to sleep?" He asked.

"Yeah, thank you," you whispered before closing your eyes.

"Of course, anything for you," he said, looking at you lovingly. "Goodnight."

You mumbled goodnight quietly, your words barely being able to be made out as you drifted to sleep.

Word count: 422

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