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Wonwoo and Mingyu have been married for two years now. Wonwoo still works at the Diamond Café, but this time, he works together with his husband. Six months after getting married, Mingyu decided to retire from being a model because he just wants to focus on his married life. At first, PLEDIS doesn't want Mingyu to retire since he's one of the reasons why the company is receiving big income, but they understood how much Mingyu wants to just focus on his family now, so they let him go. Mingyu as well had a hard time finalizing his decision, but he really wants to just focus now on his husband and kids. He's already happy enough with his great experiences as a model for years. Speaking of kids, the couple adopted two kids a year after they got married. The two kids they adopted are actually twins and they are Minjun and Nari (Minjun is a boy, while Nari is a girl).

The twins were so shy to the couple, but deep inside they're so happy that somebody finally adopted them because they've been in the orphanage for six years. The couple did all they can to have a close relationship with the twins and to get to know each other well. The twins did the same thing in return since they want to be comfortable with their adopter who now they call as their parents. The twins call Mingyu their 'Daddy', while they call Wonwoo their 'Papa'. The couple also enrolled the twins to school, so they could make friends and learn a lot of things. However, some of their classmates insult them or make fun of them because their parents are both male. The twins never fight back as they don't want to cause any chaos and they know that it's not worth it to fight back, so they just immediately report it to their teacher.

It's weekend. The couple can finally rest from work and enjoy with their kids. They want to do something with their kids but can't think of anything for now, so they decided to ask their kids if they want to do something fun this weekend.

"Nari! Minjun! Come here." Mingyu called the twins from their bedroom. His and Wonwoo's bedroom.

A few seconds later, the twins entered their parents' bedroom.

"What is it, daddy?" Nari asked curiously as she walked closer with Minjun to their parents. Wonwoo then carried Nari and sat her on his lap, while Mingyu did the same to Minjun.

"Do you want to do something fun this weekend?" Wonwoo asked Nari while caressing her hair.

"Of course, Pa! I do. Where are we going?" Nari said excitedly as she clapped her hands due to excitement.

"Uhm, actually, your papa and I haven't decided yet. Is there a specific place where you want to really go?" Mingyu asked.

"How about we watch the new Spider-Man movie?" Minjun suggested.

"But it's not out in cinemas yet, is it?" Mingyu said and looked at Wonwoo but Wonwoo just shrugged at him.

"Oh! How about we play at the arcades then eat?" Nari happily said, doing a little of aegyo.

"Yeah! That would be fun. I haven't been at the arcades for a while." Wonwoo said.

After deciding, the family changed their clothes and organize everything before leaving the house. When they finally arrived at the arcade, the kids are jumping due to excitement and their parents bought tokens to use in playing the arcade machines.

"It's been a long time since I played in an arcade. I can't recall well the last time I played in this." Wonwoo said while adoringly watching their kids playing at the basketball shooting machine.

"Me too. I think the last time I played in an arcade was probably during my high school days. We were so busy during our college days, so I don't think there was a time I was able to play in this." Mingyu looked at his husband and gave him a smile.

Later on, the couple joined their kids in playing. They had so much fun playing the different machines in the arcade that they didn't notice the time flew so fast already. After playing at the arcade, the family went to eat in a fast food restaurant. While they're eating, the couple told their kids that they will buy toys and whatever they want after they finished eating which made the twins more excited. Since the twins also have been receiving achievements in school, they have decided to give them rewards they deserve.

After buying stuff for their kids, the family was about to go outside of the mall when they bump into someone familiar. It's Jeonghan and Seungcheol with two kids. The girl kid was being carried by Jeonghan in his arms, while the boy kid was on Seungcheol's side, holding his hand.

"Hey, Mingyu and Wonwoo! What's up?" Seungcheol greeted them and hugged the Kim family one by one.

"It's been a long time. How are you and the kids?" Jeonghan asked.

"We're doing great. We just played in an arcade. It was so fun! How about you? It's so nice seeing you after a long time." Mingyu said happily.

"Oh, we just went to buy things we need at the grocery. We're actually going home now, but didn't expect to see you here." Seungcheol said and chuckled.

"So, what are your kids' names? I thought you just adopted one child." Wonwoo asked, looking at adoringly their friends' kids.

"Well, before I get to adopt one, I changed my mind." Jeonghan chuckled. "But of course, I asked Seungcheol first if it's okay with him and he's actually happy about it."

"It's also nice to see that we both have one boy and one girl. Our kids are cousins. What about yours?" Seungcheol said, looking at their friends' kids happily.

"They're identical twins, aren't they? So much look a like each other." Jeonghan said and waved his hands happily to the twins. The twins just shyly smiled back.

"Really? Twins? That's cool." Seungcheol amazingly said. "By the way, our kids name are Choi Hani and Choi Ilseong." He said as he pointed at their girl kid then to their boy kid.

"Hi! I am Kim Nari and my brother is Kim Minjun." Mingyu and Wonwoo's daughter suddenly butted in which Seungcheol and Jeonghan found it cute. The Choi couple's kids waved their hands shyly to Nari and Minjun.

After a few moments of conversing with the Choi couple, they bid their goodbyes and left the mall. The twins immediately played in the living room with their new toys when they arrived at home. Wonwoo sat on the sofa across his kids and was just watching them adoringly when Mingyu sat beside him.

"Hey, love. Is there something bothering you?" Mingyu asked worriedly and gave his husband's cheek a kiss.

Wonwoo looked at him and gave him a smile. Then, he put his attention back to the twins and said, "Nothing's bothering me. I'm just watching our kids."

There was a long silence until Mingyu broke it. "Thank you so much."

"For what?" Wonwoo asked curiously as he looked at his husband.

"For everything." Mingyu said, staring lovingly at Wonwoo straight to his eyes.

"Me too. I am so thankful that all of these happened and keep happening to both of us. I didn't expect that I'd end up with you." Wonwoo said and pecked Mingyu's lips.

"There will always be ups and downs, but no matter what happens, I love you and will always love you, Kim Wonwoo." Mingyu said, still not breaking his eye contact with Wonwoo.

"Me too." Wonwoo then pressed his forehead to Mingyu's. "I love you, Kim Mingyu. Always and forever."

"Always and forever."

The couple then moved their faces closer and started kissing each other's lips, forgetting the kids were just playing across them.



Hello everyone!!! That's the end. How's the last chapter? Thank you so much for reading this story. I hope you love it. Don't hesitate to leave comments and to give votes. I love you all!

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