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I have a lot of homework today and my mother has a lot of visitors who are very noisy. I can't concentrate on doing my homework, so I decided to go to the library near my school.

I chose to sit near the librarian's desk in case I would have questions, I can ask it to her immediately. I unzipped my bag and took out all my homework and started to work. We have three homework but I'm already done with the two, so the only subject left is Mathematics and it is so hard. Too bad, I'm not really good in Mathematics.

Someone then came to the librarian and asked something. I didn't mean to eavesdrop to their conversation but the guy's voice caught my attention.

"Is it okay if I'm going to borrow three books?" He asked with his low voice.

Wow. This guy's voice is nice! Well, men with low voices sound hot, right?

"Of course, you can. Just make sure you'll return the book without damages." I heard the librarian said.

"Thanks." He then went beside the window and sat there. The sunlight hits him but he didn't mind it.

I don't know but I started to become curious about him. He must be a bookworm or just a person who really loves to read books. He also looks smart though.

My thoughts suddenly interrupted by the librarian.

"Mingyu-ssi. Are you studying at Seoul International School?"

"Uhh, yes. Why?"

"Well, that guy is going to transfer in that school. You should ask him to be friends with you because he has no friends. That's why he's always here and reading books alone." The librarian said and pointed to the guy who's reading beside the window.

"Uhh, I think he's not friendly that's why he doesn't have any friends." I shrugged.

"No, it's not like that. He doesn't have any friends because no one wants to become one. Other people thought he's very a cold guy and some of them thought he's a gangster."

"Gangster?" I then looked at the guy. "I think he's not. He's just quiet and wants to be alone."

How he can be a gangster or something? He looks innocent and kind.

"Yeah, me too. But that guy is very nice. He always go here to read books. If you want to talk to him, just go." The librarian smiled at me.

"And by the way, that guy is good at Mathematics." She added.

What? Mathematics? Thank goodness. I want him to help me with my homework.

"Oh, really? What is his name?"

"Jeon Wonwoo."

Jeon Wonwoo. What a nice name!

"I want to ask something about my homework. Can I ask him?"

"Just go. Don't be shy. He won't bite you." The librarian chuckled.

Then I took my notebook and sat beside him. He closed the book what he is reading and looked at me with a confused face.

"Uhm, Hi?" I said nervously.

"Hi. Who are you?"

"My name is Kim Mingyu. You are Jeon Wonwoo, right?"

"Uhh, yeah. Do you need something?"

"Well, uhm... The librarian said that you're good in Mathematics. I have a homework on that subject but I still don't get how to answer all the problems because I.. Uhh do-"

"I'll help you." He cut me off.

"Uuh. Is it okay with you?"

"Yes. Now, give me your notebook." He said then I gave my notebook to him shyly.

He then started to help me doing my homework in Mathematics. He's really good! I wish I had a brain like his. But there's a moment I couldn't stop myself staring at his face. He's really good-looking.

After he taught me, I thanked this good-looking Jeon Wonwoo guy and went back to my seat but before I could go back. Wonwoo called me and asked for my phone number.

"Uhh, why?" I asked him curiously.

"Uhh, nothing. Just incase you want to ask for a help again in doing your homework. But if you don't want to give it to me, it is okay. I'm here at this library everyday, you can go here and ask me whenever you want."

He's seriously fine with that? Well, I don't mind. He looks nice. I should give my phone number to him.

"No, it's okay. I can give it to you." We then exchanged numbers.

"So, uhm. See you again next time!" He said and I just nodded to him with a smile then I left the library.

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