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Today is Saturday. Finally, it's weekend which means I will be able to go to the library and read books again. I heard there are a lot of new books in the library where I use to go. I want to see what those new books are. My mother allowed me to go since it's weekend and I am free. I can do whatever I want.

My mother told me two days ago that she enrolled me to a new school but I don't have any idea what that school is. I just hope people there would be nice and I will be able to make friends with them.

I entered the library quietly and greeted the librarian with a smile. I went to the 'New Books' section and saw most of my favorite books are there. I have decided to borrow three books. Then, I went to the librarian's desk and asked if can I borrow three books and she allowed me to.

I went to the seat beside the window. I didn't mind the sunlight hitting me. I just want to focus on what I am doing. The books I got seems interesting, that's why I started reading it now.

While I was reading, I can hear that the librarian is talking to someone but I didn't mind it but then I heard her mentioned my name. I didn't hear it clearly but it sounds like my name.

Just a few moments, I felt someone sat beside me. I closed the book what I was reading and looked at the guy who just sat beside me with a confused look.

"Uuh, Hi?"

To be honest, the guy is good-looking. His tan skin makes him more handsome.

"Hi. Who are you?" I asked with a blank face.

"My name is Kim Mingyu. You are Jeon Wonwoo, right?"

How the hell he knows my name? Maybe that's why I heard the librarian mentioned my name, she told him.

"Uhh, yeah. Do you need something?" I asked curiously. Then, I noticed he's holding a notebook and a pen.

"Well, uhm... The librarian said that you're good in Mathematics. I have a homework on that subject but I still don't get how to answer all of the problems because I.. Uhh do-"

"I'll help you." I cut him off.

"Uuh. Is it okay with you?"

"Yes. Now, give me your notebook." I said then he gave his notebook to me.

I didn't mind helping people even if it's just a small thing. I actually like helping people because I know that there are some people would feel happy already with a small help from others even it's from a stranger.

Then, I started to help doing this Kim Mingyu guy's Mathematics homework. This Mingyu guy was too focus on listening to me. But I can feel that there are times that he's staring at me. I kind of felt uncomfortable but I didn't make it obvious and just want to focus on teaching him.

After I taught him, he thanked me and was about to go back to his seat but before he could go back, I called him and asked for his phone number without hesitating.

I found him cute and nice. I want to be friends with him. I know I'm not that friendly because I'm really a shy person but I don't know why I suddenly asked for his phone number. Maybe we can be good friends, you know?

"Uhh, why?"

"Uhh, nothing. Just incase you want to ask for a help again in doing your homework. But if you don't want to give it to me, it is okay. I'm here at this library everyday, you can go here and ask me whenever you want." I explained.

"No, it's okay. I can give it to you." He said and smiled widely. Wow! His teeth are awesome.

We then exchanged numbers. After we bid goodbyes, he left the library while I stayed and continued reading the book I was reading earlier.

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