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The next morning, Mingyu and Wonwoo went to PLEDIS together. Mingyu just wore a black cap for him to not get easily recognize by fans. They were holding their hands but as they entered the building, Mingyu immediately let go of Wonwoo's hand. Wonwoo looked at his boyfriend with a confused look but Mingyu did not even glance at him after he let go of his boyfriend's hand.

On their way to the CEO's room, some employees greeted them. They are happy to see Mingyu in the office even though he has no schedule in a week. When they finally reached the CEO's room, Mingyu knocked on the door and went inside when the CEO told them to come in. Wonwoo is just following quietly behind his boyfriend.

"Good day, Mingyu! What brings you here?" The CEO happily greeted. "I see you brought a friend." He said as he saw Wonwoo following behind Mingyu.

"Good morning!" Wonwoo bowed as he greeted politely.

"Good day, sir. I am just going to ask something about my schedule in Japan next week." Mingyu said politely.

"Oh, sure... Before we continue, please have a seat." The CEO gestured the seats infront of the table to Mingyu and Wonwoo. The couple sat and continued what they are talking about.

"Sir, what I am going to ask is... uhm, is it okay to bring someone?" Mingyu asked shyly.

"Oohh... Is it him?" The CEO asked as he pointed to Wonwoo.

Wonwoo nodded shyly while Mingyu is the one who answered the CEO. "Yes, sir. That's why I brought him here." He chuckled.

"Oh, may I ask what's his name?"

"My name is Jeon Wonwoo, sir. I am Mingyu's bo-"

"M-my best friend, sir. He's my best friend since we were in high school." Mingyu chuckled softly, not letting Wonwoo finish his sentence.

Wonwoo felt a pain on his chest. He looked at Mingyu with a confused look, waiting for the taller to look at him back but Mingyu is not even giving him at least a glance.

"Why did he say that I am just his BEST FRIEND?!"

"Isn't he proud that I am his boyfriend?"

"Is he ashamed of me?"

"Why did he do that?"

Wonwoo started to overthink. He wants to walk out of the room and just leave Mingyu, but he can't do that. His mood is now ruined because of that, so he just chose to be quiet.

"Oh. Nice to meet you, Wonwoo!" The CEO reached his hand to Wonwoo to shake hands with him. Wonwoo smiled and shook hands with the CEO.

"Nice to meet you too, sir."

"Anyway, you don't have to worry about the expenses like airfare, accommodation, etc. because the company will cover it all as well as Wonwoo's. All you have to do is prepare your stuff to bring and pocket money. That's it! Any questions?"

"F-for real, sir?" Wonwoo asked. He can't believe of what he just heard. He thought he's going to pay everything for himself, but no.

"Yes, Wonwoo. It's real."

"But I don't even work in your company..."

The CEO chuckled and said, "It doesn't matter. Mingyu will only bring one person but if he will bring two or more than that, they have to pay for themselves. Stop thinking about it, okay? At least, you'll be able to go to Japan with your best friend."

"Oh. Thank you so much, sir!" Wonwoo smiled.

"You are welcome."

"Thank you, sir!" Mingyu said happily.

"Always welcome, Mingyu! If you have any concerns with your Japan schedule, just call or send me a message."

After talking with the CEO, Mingyu decided to bring Wonwoo to the mall and have lunch there. They have planned to spend the whole day together because they didn't have enough time weeks ago due to Mingyu's tight schedule. While on their way to the mall, the whole ride was quiet. Mingyu noticed it, so he asked random questions to his boyfriend to know if everything's fine but he only received short replies and nods. When they finally arrived at the mall, Wonwoo let Mingyu decide where to eat since he is not really in the mood now. While they are eating, Wonwoo's quietly eating his food and not even looking at Mingyu.

"Hey Wonu... What's bothering you? You weren't like this before we left the apartment." Mingyu said worriedly.

"I said I'm fine, Mingyu." Wonwoo answered coldly and didn't even give his boyfriend an eye contact.

"No, you are obviously not fine."

Wonwoo heaved a deep sigh and looked at Mingyu. He said, "You seriously don't know why my mood is ruined all of a sudden?! It's actually your fault!" Wonwoo started to raise his voice. Mingyu was taken taken aback.

"Wonu... You don't have to raise your voice. People are going to start looking at us. We can talk about this calmly–"

"Why did you say that I am your BEST FRIEND? Are you ashamed of me?! Are you ashamed of yourself for having a boyfriend?!"

"Wonu... If I told them that I have a boyfriend, they may look at me differently. They might tell the media and my fans. We are not sure if everyone will accept me as who I am–"

"So, you care more about your career and your fans than me?"

"Of course, I care more about you–"

"Your parents accepted you as who you are. Not everyone has the same perceptions, opinions, and mindset. If some people don't like you, then don't mind them and just accept it. The most important thing is, there are people who love you."

Mingyu opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. He realized that his boyfriend is right. Not everyone has the same mindset.

"I-I am sorry... I should have told the CEO the truth. I am afraid he would freak out." Mingyu sighed. "What should I do then?"

Wonwoo cleared his throat first before answering Mingyu, "Hey, Mingyu... You always think about others. Nobody's perfect, okay? All actors, actresses, models, and other artists have haters. Even just an ordinary person has haters too, but they don't care about it because they think about the people who support and love them. If your fans will hate you for just having a boyfriend, then they should leave your fandom. If they will throw hate messages to you, just don't mind it. Always remember that many people love you... I love you, Mingyu."

Mingyu smiled after hearing his boyfriend's words. He really wants to kiss Wonwoo right now, but he can't because they are in public.

"I-I don't know what to say... Uhm, I'm so thankful for having you..."

"Me too, Mingyu. I'm so thankful that I have you and I never regret that... Are we good now?"

Mingyu smiled at his boyfriend and just nodded as his response. As they continue eating their lunch, they talk about the place where they will go next after they finish their lunch.

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